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Troubleshooting Guide

1. Logs

SVN MultiSite Plus logs SVN and replication events in several places:

Admin UI: Growl messages
The growl messages provide immediate feedback in response to a user's interactions with the Admin UI. Growls are triggered only by local events and only display on the node (and in the individual browser session) where the event was triggered.
Growl messages appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen and persist for a brief period (15 seconds in most cases) or until the screen is refreshed or changed.
System Status
Schedule for you
Always check the dashboard
If you are troubleshooting a problem we strongly recommend that you check the Dashboard's Replicator Tasks panel as well as the log files. The growl messages give you an immediate alert for events as they happen, they are not the main method of tracking failures or important system events.
Dashboard: Replicator Tasks
Events that are more complex and are not bound by user interactions may appear on the Dashboard's Replicator Tasks. Tasks may consist of a simple statement or, with a click on the Task name, a multi-line report: Schedule for you
Application Logs
Read more about Application logs
Replication Logs
Read more about Replication logs

1.1 Application logs


The main logs are produced by the watchdog process and contain messaging that is mostly related to getting SVN MultiSite Plus started up and running. Logs are rotated when they hit 100MB in size.

-rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco   88 Jan 15 16:53 multisite.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco  220 Jan 15 16:53 replicator.20140115-165324.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco 4082 Jan 15 16:53 ui.20140115-164517.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco 1902 Jan 15 16:53 watchdog.log
Basic events that relate to the starting up/shutting down of SVN MultiSite Plus, e.g:
    2014-01-15 16:45:17: [3442] Starting ui
    2014-01-15 16:53:24: [3571] Starting replicator
Events relating to the startup and shutdown of the replicator, and also logging. This log does not include information about the actual operation of the replicator. For this see the replicator's own logs.
Startup and everything to do with the UI, including lightweight in-use logging
The running of the watchdog process which monitors and maintains the running of the SVN MultiSite processes.

1.2 Replicator logs

The logging system has been implemented using Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) over the log4J Java-based logging library. This change from java.util.logging lets you collate data into specific package-based logs, such has a security log, application log, DConE messages, etc.

Set the logging behavior in the log4j properties file, /svn-multisite-plus/replicator/properites/log4j.properties:

# Direct log messages to a file
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n

# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, file

This configuration controls how log files are created and managed. A change to log4j configuration currently requires a replicator restart to take affect.

1.2.1 Additional log destinations (appenders)

Apache log4j provides Appender objects are primarily responsible for printing logging messages to different destinations such as consoles, files, sockets, NT event logs, etc.

Appenders always have a name so that they can be referenced from Loggers.

For more information about setting up appenders, see the Apache documenation.

We strongly recommend that you work with WANdisco Support team before making any significant changes to your logging.

Debug is chatty
If you enable the debug mode, we recommend that you adjust your log file limits, increasing the maximum file size and possibly the maximum number of files.
Send logging
If possible, put the log files on a separate file system.

1.3 Logging levels

(previously Severe) Message level indicating a serious failure.
A message level indicating a potential problem.
Interesting runtime events (startup/shutdown). Expect these to be immediately visible on a console, so be conservative and keep to a minimum.
Details of configuration messages.
Provides a standard level of trace information.
Provides a more detailed level of trace information.
(previously "Finest") Provides a boggling level of trace information for troubleshooting hard to identify problems.

1.3.1 Changing the logging level

You can change the logging levels, either temporarily to help in a current investigation, or permanently if you want to change your ongoing logging. See Logging Settings Tool.

It's still possible to modify log settings directly by editing the logger properties file:


When you've made a change, you need to restart the replicator for the change to take effect.

Logs are managed per node
Log changes are not replicated between nodes, so each node has its own logging setup.

2. Consistency check

Consistency check is done on a per node basis. It enables you to check whether a selected repository remains in the same state across the nodes of a replication group. Follow these steps to check on consistency:

Limits of the Consistency Checker

The Consistency Check tells you the last common revision shared between repository replicas. Given the dynamic nature of a replication group, there may be in-flight proposals in the system that have not yet been agreed upon at all nodes. Therefore, a consistency check cannot be completely authoritative.

Specifically, consistency checks should be made on replication groups that contain only Active (inc Active Voter) nodes. The presence of passive nodes causes consistency checks to fail.

Don't run a consistency check on a passive node
If you run consistency checks, specially on a schedule, take care when changing node roles that you don't make an affected node passive. This will result in the consistency check failing, as noted above Active/Active Voter roles are required for consistency checks.

If you run a consistency check for a repository that does not exist, the dashboard displays []. You also get this result if you perform an /api/consistencyCheck call on a removed node.
Prior to performing an induction (of a new node) you must ensure that consistency check settings are uniform across all nodes.
Don't run with LRO
Don't run a consistency check if any of your replica repositories are in the Local Read-only state. In this case a consistency check will not complete until the LRO state is cleared.

You receive a consistency error if you run a consistency check when there is no quorum. Consistency checks cannot verify consistency without a quorum so shouldn't be run.

Scheduled Consistency Checks not running?
If scheduled consistency checks are being skipped, possibly due to the previous check having failed, you can get the scheduled checks back into action by cancelling the previous task though the admin UI. Read how to set up Scheduled Consistency Checks.
  1. Log in to a node, and click the REPOSITORIES tab.
    Schedule for you

    Go to the repository

  2. Click one of the listed repositories.
    Schedule for you

    Click a repository

  3. Click the Consistency check. You see a growl message Invoking consistency check on repository <Repository Name>. Schedule for you

    Consistency check in action

    You see a growl message "Invoking consistency check on repository <Repository Name>".
    Known issue: Don't run a consistency check if the repository has been removed from one of the nodes.
    There's currently a problem with running a consistency check on a repository if the replica on one or more or more nodes has been deleted. In this situation a "Highest Common Revision" task appears on the dashboard and remains permanently in a Pending state. Until we resolve this problem you shouldn't run the consistency checker on a repository if it has been removed from the file system of any of your nodes.
  4. Click the DASHBOARD tab. The results of the consistency check appear on the Replicator Tasks widget. You need to select All Tasks, instead of the default Pending Tasks. Schedule for you

    Are the repository replicas identical?

    Originating Node
    The node from which the check was requested.
    Lowest Revision Checked
    The oldest revision compared across all nodes.
    Number of Revisions Checked
    Total number of revisions checked.
    Repository is Consistent
    The result of the check as a 'true' or 'false' statement.
    Highest revision Checked
    The youngest revision compared across all nodes.
    Repository Being Checked
    The name of the repository that has had its consistency checked.
Known issue: You are not notified if a scheduled consistency check fails to run
Check the dashboard for the status of the consistency check.

You can also check the results of a consistency check by viewing the replicator's log file (e.g. fsfswd.log.2016-04-26T16:05:30). See Logs

Scheduled Consistency Checks

You can have consistency checks triggered automatically on a predefined schedule. Run scheduled consistency checks are on a per-node basis as follows:

  1. Log into the admin console, click Settings.


  2. Go to the end of the list of editable settings, you'll see a Scheduled Consistency Check Enabled? checkbox. Tick the box to enable the schedule. The time between checks (if enabled) is set in the Scheduled Consistency CHeck Frequency (Hours) box.
    Scheduled Checks
    p class="label">Enable and set the check frequency

    By default the frequency is set to 24 hours, i.e. repositories are checked for consistency once per day. The entry field permits an interger value from 1 (an hour) to 999 (41 days, 14 hours).

  3. Once your settings are in place, click Save.


Known issue: Currently, you need to ensure that the Number of Revisions in Default Consistency Check are the same on all nodes before starting a check. This is important if you have edited the value in production and then add a new node , which will use the default value unless it is edited to match.

Checking more often than hourly

Scheduled consistency checks are not replicated, there'd be no point as all repository replicas across all nodes are being checked anyway. You can use the fact that they are not replicated to your advantage, if you want to perform checks that are more frequent than once per hour. For example, if you have four nodes you could run an hourly check on each node, staggering the check so that one is occuring every 15 minutes. Such frequent checks wouldn't be recommended if you're deploying very large numbers of repositories.

2.1 Inconsistency: causes and cures

WANdisco's replication technology delivers active-active replication that, subject to some external factors, ensures that all replicas are consistent. However, there are some things that can happen that break consistency that would result in a halt to replication.

Loss of consistency is generally caused by external factors such as environmental differences, system quirks or user error. We've never encountered a loss of sync that resulted from a deficiency in the replication engine.

Limits of the Consistency Checker
The Consistency Check will tell you the last common revision shared between repository replicas. Given the dynamic nature of a replication group it's possible that there will be in-flight proposals in the system that have not yet been agreed upon at all nodes. For this reason it isn't possible for a consistency check to be completely authoritative.
Specifically, consistency checks should be made on replication groups that contain only Active (inc Active Voter) nodes. The presence of passive nodes will cause consistency checks to fail.
  1. Log in to a node, click the REPOSITORIES tab.
    Schedule for you

    Go to the repository

  2. Click one of the listed repositories. This will activate the below line of buttons.
    Schedule for you

    Consistency Check is done on a per node basis

  3. Click the Consistency check. A growl message "Invoking consistency check on repository <Repository Name>" will appear. Schedule for you

    Consistency check in action

  4. Click the DASHBOARD tab. The results of the consistency check will appear on the Replicator Tasks widget - you'll need to select All Tasks, instead of the default Pending Tasks. Schedule for you

    Repository replicas need to be identical - are they?

    Originating Node:
    The node from which the check was requested.
    Lowest Revision Checked:
    The oldest revision compared across all nodes.
    Number of Revisions Checked:
    Total number of revisions checked.
    Repository is Consistent:
    The result of the check as a 'true' or 'false' statement.
    Highest revision Checked:
    The youngest revision compared across all nodes.
    Repository Being Checked:
    The name of the repository that has had its consistency checked.

2.2 Log results

It's also possible to check the results of a consistency check by viewing the replicator's log file (e.g. fsfswd.log.2016-04-26T16:05:30). See Logs

2.3 A note about replica size and consistency

It is possible that repository replicas that are essentially consistent between nodes, actually have different reported file sizes. This difference should not be a cause for concern and can be explained by a number of factors that mostly relate to house keeping and actions that don't need to be synchronized. These can include:

3. Copying repositories

This section describes how to get your repository data distributed before replication.

SVN installations must have:

These items repeat the installation checklist. Ensure that you meet these requirements for replication to run effectively:

3.1 Copying existing repositories

It's simple enough to make a copy of a small repository and transfer it to each of your nodes. However, remember that any changes made to the original repository will invalidate your copies unless you perform a syncronzation prior to starting replication.

If a repository needs to remain available to users during the proccess, you should briefly halt access, in order to make a copy. The copy can then be transferred to each node. Then, when you are ready to begin replication, you need use rsync to update each of your replicas. Fore more information about rsync, see Synchronizing repositories using rysnc.

3.2 New repositories

If you are creating brand new repositories, don't create them at each node, instead create the repository once, then rsync it to the other nodes. You need to do this to ensure that each replica has the same UUID.

If you do create repositories at each node instead of using rysnc, you can use SVN's UUID command to get them all matching:

You can confirm the UUID of a repository using the svnlook uuid command:

[root@ip-10-0-100-6 SVN]# svnlook uuid Repo0

You can use the Set UUID command to ensure that a new repository that you've created has a UUID that matches with the other replicas:

$ svnadmin setuuid /opt/SVN/Repo0 67d41b33-3c7c-4ba0-8af1-119dbb0d42ba

4. Repair an out-of-sync repository

There are several situations where a repository may be corrupted or lose sync with its other copies. For example, it could be the result of file/permission changes on the server. If this happens, the node with this copy stops replicating data for that repository. Other repositories are unaffected and continue to replicate. You can use MSP's repair tool to quickly repair the repository and continue replicating.

No option to repair?
If an existing repository is added to a Replication Group that contains Passive nodes or a repository on a Passive node enters an Local Read-only state, the UI does not offer a repair option because it cannot coordinate with the repository copy on the Passive node. You must temporarily change the passive node into an active node:
  1. Log in to the Passive node, then click the Replication Group tab.
  2. Click the Configure button, then change the role of the passive node so that it becomes active.
  3. When the repair is completed successfully, reverse this change to return to your established replication model.
Read more about the Replication Group settings.
  1. Log in to the admin UI on all nodes and click the REPOSITORIES tab. Any repository that is out of sync is flagged as Local RO and Stopped. Other replica may continue to update.
    repair 1

    Out of sync

  2. Go back to the REPOSITORIES tab and click the Repair button.
  3. The Repair Repository window opens. Select a helper from the nodes still in replication. Make sure that the helper's copy of the repository is the latest version.
  4. Click the Start Repair Process button. This briefly takes the selected node offline, to ensure that changes don't occur to the repository while you conduct the repair. Log in to handle the repair manually:
    repair 1

    Start the repair

  5. Hooks will be overwritten
    When restoring a repository using rsync, you will also copy across the helper repository's hooks, overwriting those on the destination node.

    Need to maintain existing hooks?
    Before doing the rsync, copy the hooks folder to somewhere safe. Then when you've completed the rsync, restore the backed-up hooks.
    Use the good copy of the repository on the helper node, overwriting the out-of-sync copy. We recommend that you use rsync. See more about using rsync.
    [root@localhost repos]#  rsync -rvlHtogpc /opt/repos/repo2/ root@
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is 9a:07:b2:bb:b6:85:fa:93:41:f0:01:d0:de:8f:e1:5d.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    root@'s password:
    sending incremental file list
    sent 1589074 bytes  received 701 bytes  167344.74 bytes/sec
    total size is 1585973  speedup is 1.00
    [root@localhost repos]#
  6. When the repository is updated, check that the fixed repository now matches the version on your helper node.
  7. Restart Apache. This frees up file handlers that are holding the rep-cache.db file open as well as clearing any in-memory cache data that could point to references that don't exist in the repaired repository.
  8. Complete the repair process. Click the "Complete Repair Process" button.
    repair 4


  9. Now, restart the replicator. You can use the Restart Replicator button on the Admin UI's Settings Tab or the init.d script described in the Admin section 1.1 Starting up.
  10. Make sure that the re-synced repositories are Replicating again.
    repair 3

    Back in sync

4.1 Recovering Sidelined Repositories

The sidelining feature is used for putting a repository into the offline mode. This tells the other nodes to press on, and not queue up subsequent proposals. When a repository has been taken offline, it can never catch up and will require a Repository Repair.

Why sideline?
Without the sidelining feature, any replica that remained offline could cause the remaining nodes to exhaust their storage. This is because they would attempted to cache all the continuing repository changes, so that they could automatically "heal" the offline repository, should it come back online.

Use the following procedure to free a repository from a sidelined state:

  1. View, then click on the sidelined repository.
    unsideline 1
  2. Click on Repair opens the repair dialog with sidelining-related options. Start by clicking "prepare to unsideline" button.
    unsideline 2
  3. Choose the Helper Node from the Choose Helper Node dropdown. In this case we choose "Node2".
    unsideline 2
  4. CLick the Start Repair Process button.
    unsideline 2
  5. A Growl message will appear saying that the helper process has completed and a consistency check will be carried out, if this is check fails the repo will go Global Read-only. You can check this by refreshing the page. The repository will show up as replicating again.
    unsideline 2

5. Synchronize repositories using rsync

If for any reason repositories are corrupted or unable to automatically catch up it's usually possible to use rsync to get them back into sync.

The use of rsync to recover replication is slightly complicated by the presense of in-memory caching, requiring that additional steps need to be performed in order to ensure that the node with the out-of-sync replica is put into a suitably clean state before completing the recovery:

Recovery scenario

One node has an out-of-syn repository, write operations are suspended as the repository is classified as Read-only. Otherwise, Apache and the WANdisco replicator remain online.

  1. On all nodes in the replication group, log into SVN MultiSite Plus's admin UI and ensure that the out-of-sync / corrupted repository is set to GLOBAL read-only. We need to ensure that all traffic to the repository is halted during the repair.
  2. Begin a Repair operation (See previous section, 4. Repair an out-of-sync repository for a more detailed run through of the repair steps), initiated from a node that is known to be in a pristine state (helper node), this temporarily suspends write operations for the problem repository here too.
  3. Perform the rsync operation (from the helper node), e.g.
    svnadmin verify <Repository-path>

    From the node with the up-to-date repository, type the following commands:

    rsync -rvlHtogpc /path/to/repo/ remoteHost:/path/to/repo/

    For example:
    rsync -rvlHtogpc /SVN/Repo root@

  4. To ensure that there's no in-memory caching th at might cause problems, shut down Apache / svnserver on the under-repair node.
  5. On the helper node you can mark the repair as completed
  6. Restart the SVN MultiSite Plus replicator - See Using the init.d script or use the restart button on the admin UI.
  7. On the problem node, Restart Apache
  8. Log into each node in the affected replication group and untick Global Read-only for the recovered repository.

Rsync locks directory

Then follow up with an additional rsync that will ensure that contents of the locks directory are identical (by deleting locks that are not present on the originating server)

rsync -rvlHtogpc --delete /path/to/repo/db/locks <Repository Name> remoteHost:/path/to/repo/db

For example:
rsync -rvlHtogpc --delete /SVN/Repo/db/locks root@

6. Recover from node disconnection

SVN MultiSite Plus can recover from a brief disconnection of a member node. The crucial requirement for MultiSite's continued operation is that agreement over transaction ordering must be able to continue. Votes must be cast and those votes must always result in an agreement. No situation must arise where the votes are evenly split between voters.

If, after a node disconnection, a replication group can no longer form agreements then replication is stopped. If the disconnected node was a voter and there aren't enough remaining voters to form an agreement, then either the disconnected node must be repaired and reconnected, or the replication group must undergo emergency reconfiguration (EMR).

6.1 EMR

EMR is only necessary if there is a lack of quorum in one or more replication groups after a node has been disconnected/lost. If you use EMR then the disconnected node will be permanently removed from your ecosystem - including all replication groups where it is a member. You must contact WANdisco's support team for assistance before using EMR as the operation poses several risks to overall operation. We therefore recommend that you do not attempt the procedure without assistance from WANdisco support.

EMR is a final option for recovery

The EMR process cannot be undone, and it involves major changes to your replication system. Only consider an EMR if the disconnected node cannot be repaired or reconnected in an acceptable amount of time.

The EMR procedure needs to be co-ordinated between sites/nodes. You must not start an EMR if an EMR procedure has already started from another node. Running multiple EMR procedures at the same time can lead to unpredictable results or cause the processes to get stuck.

Any replication group which has its membership reduced to one node will continue to exist after the emergency reconfiguration as a non-replicating group. When you have set up a replacement node you should be able to add it back to the group to restart replication.

Note: If EMR is used to remove a node you may be left with a pending task of type tasksTypeREMOVE_STATE_MACHINE_TASK. If this is the case then:

  1. Cancel the active/pending task (type is tasksTypeREMOVE_STATE_MACHINE_TASK)
  2. Restart the node where the pending task existed.

7. Run Talkback

Talkback is a bash script that is provided in your SVN MultiSite Plus installation for use in the event that you need to talk to the WANdisco support team.

Manually run Talkback using the following procedure. You can run Talkback without the need for user interaction if you set up the variables noted in step 3, below:

  1. Log in to the server with admin privileges. Navigate to the SVN MultiSite Plus's binary directory:
  2. Run talkback.
    [root@localhost bin]# ./talkback
  3. You'll need to provide some information during the run - also note the environmental variables noted below which can be used to further modify how the talkback script runs:
    # WANdisco talkback - Script for picking up system & replicator       #
    # information for support                                             #
        To run this script non-interactively please set following environment vars:
        MSP_REP_UN                  Set username to login to MultiSite-Plus
        MSP_REP_PS                  Set password to login to MultiSite-Plus
        MSP_SUPPORT_TICKET          Set ticket number to give to WANdisco support team
        MSP_RUN_SVNADMIN            Run svnadmin verify, lstxns and lslocks commands - turned off by default
        By default, your talkback is not uploaded. If you wish to upload it, you may also specify
        the following variables:
        MSP_FTP_UN                  Set ftp username to upload to WANdisco support FTP server. Note that
                                    specifying this may cause SSH to prompt for a password, so don't set
                                    this variable if you wish to run this script non-interactively.
          ===================== INFO ========================
          The talkback agent will capture relevant configuration
          and log files to help WANdisco diagnose the problem
          you may be encountering.
    Please enter replicator admin username: adminUIusername
    Please enter replicator admin password: thepasswordhere
    retrieving details for repository "Repo1"
    retrieving details for repository "Repo3"
    retrieving details for repository "Repo4"
    retrieving details for repository "repo2"
    retrieving details for node "NodeSanFransisco"
    retrieving details for node "NodeAuckland"
    retrieving details for node "NodeParis"
    Please enter your WANdisco support FTP username (leave empty to skip auto-upload process):
    Skipping auto-FTP upload
     Please upload the file:
     to WANdisco support with a description of the issue.
     Note: do not email the talkback files, only upload them
     via ftp or attach them via the web ticket user interface.

Note that we have disabled the svnadmin check as in some situations it can impeded the rapid collection of system data. If you want to turn it back on set the corresponding env variable as follows.

Enter the following string to switch the SVNAdmin checks back on:

export MSP_RUN_SVNADMIN=true
and then run the talkback. You can check the status of the variable by entering:
Also, you'll need to talk to Support about setting up access to WANdisco's Support FTP space.

Don't send talkback files via email
If you're not using our secure FTP you can upload your talkback output files to our support website. Just attach them to your case. Read our Knowledgebase article about How to raise a support case.

7.1 Talkback output example




8. Replication over a bad WAN link

Nodes that fall behind will eventually recover

SVN MultiSite Plus runs with a smart commit strategy and ignores all read operations so activities such as checkouts never impact upon WAN traffic. This, along with network optimization can allow deployments to provide developers with LAN-speed-like performance over a WAN for write operations at every location, while keeping all of the repositories in sync. In the event the connection to particular node is temporarily lost or experiences extreme latency or low speeds, it's possible that a node could fall behind and become temporarily out of sync while transactions are queued up.

In this situation the node should eventually catch up in a self-healing manner without administrator intervention. In this situation it is worth monitoring the state of your WAN connectivity to help gain assurance that replication is going to be able to catch up. Clearly, if connectivity drops to almost zero for a prolonged period then this will inevitably result in the node becoming isolated and increasingly out-of-sync. If this happens you should monitor traffic for a period of time, contact WANdisco's support team and start considering contingencies such as making network changes or removing the isolated node from replication, potentially using the Emergency Reconfiguration procedure.

9. Logger settings tool

Loggers are usually attached to packages. Here, the level for each package is specified. The global level is used by default, so levels specified here act as an override that takes effect in memory only - unless saved to the logger properties file.

settings - entry of logging

9.1 Edit global logger settings

  1. Log in to the admin console, click the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down the settings till you reach the Logging Settings block.
    settings - Logging Settings
  3. Click the Configure button.
  4. The Logging Settings Config page opens. Click the drop-down menu to change the current global logger setting. This change will be applied to all loggers that have not been specified in the edited Logger settings. Changing this value takes effect in memory immediately, to change this value permanently click Save All Settings To File. Loggers that you Add or Edit (specify) will always override this global setting.
    settings - Logging Settings

9.2 Add or edit logger settings

  1. Log in to the admin console, click the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down the settings till you reach the Logging Settings block.
    settings - Logging Settings
  3. Click the Configure button.
  4. The Logging Settings Config page will open, it has the following sections:
    settings - entry of logging
    Add New Logger Settings
    Enter the name of the logger, assign its level then click the Add button.
    Edit Existing Logger Settings
    Use the corresponding drop-down list to change the level of any of the existing loggers or click the Delete button to remove the logger. The default logging package com.wandisco.fsfs.logger.FSFSFileHandler cannot be deleted.

    All changes so far are immediate in effect and in-memory only. Changes are not persisted after replicator restart unless you use the save or reload button:

    Reload Logging Settings
    Click Reload All Settings From File button to ditch all changes by reloading the logger settings from the <install-dir>/replicator/properties/logger.properties file.
    Save Logging Settings
    Click Save All Settings To File to apply your changes to the above logger.properties file.
    Edit Global Logging Level
    Allows for a change to the global logging level, although not the deletion of logger settings.

10. Disable external authentication

In the event that you need to disable LDAP or Kerberos authentication and return your deployment to the default internally managed users, use the following procedure.

  1. Open a terminal on your node. Navigate to the replicator directory:
    $  cd /opt/wandisco/svn-multisite-plus/replicator/
  2. Run the following command-line utility:
    $  java -jar resetSecurity.jar
    Use resetSecurity.jar ...
    ... to reset an existing admin user's password, or to create a new admin user.
  3. You are asked for new administrator credentials then prompted to restart the replicator in order for the change to be applied.
  4. Now log in using the orginal authentication form:

11. Create a new users.properties file

If you need to create a fresh users.properties file for your deployment:

  1. Shut down all nodes with the command: service svn-multisite-plus stop
  2. Create an empty /opt/wandisco/svn-multisite-plus/replicator/properties/users.properties which is owned by the user that MSP is running as.
  3. Start the SVN MultiSite service on that node.
  4. Use the resetSecurity.jar utility
  5. Restart svn-multisite-plus on the node. This adds the user to the users.properties file.
  6. Copy the newly created /opt/wandisco/svn-multisite/replicator/properties/users.properties file to all other nodes.
  7. Restart the SVN MultiSite services on all nodes.

12. Change content.server.port after installation

Use this procedure if you need to change the port allocated for content distribution (4321 by default), this is the replicator's payload data: repository changes etc. It's not possible to edit this value manually, you need to change it through the REST API. Here's how:

  1. Get the locationIdentity value for the node you want to change. To do this use:
    curl -X get -u username:password -s http://<node IP>:8082/api/nodes | xmllint --format - 

    You see something like the following example for your node:
      <locationIdentity> 645acf2c-b618-11e3-b7d4-08002722bb05</locationIdentity>
    You see that the locationIdentity is "645acf2c-b618-11e3-b7d4-08002722bb05".

  2. Construct a payload to send to the node, using the following XML snippet as a guide:
    route1="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><routes><route><routeType>ContentDistributionType</routeType><hostname>IP-ADDRESS</hostname><port>15102</port></route></routes>"
       temp_file=$(mktemp ${TMP}/job.XXXXXX)
       echo ${route1} > ${temp_file}
  3. Using the payload in the temp file, make a REST API call to change the Content Delivery port. The call should be made directly to the node on which you intend to change the port:
    curl -s -u username:password --header "Content-Type: application/xml" -X PUT --data @"${temp_file}" http://<Node-IP>:8082/api/location/<the-node-locationIdentity>
    curl -s -u username:password --header "Content-Type: application/xml" -X PUT --data @"${temp_file}"

  4. When the call completes successfully, the change is done without having to restart the svn-multisite-plus service. You will now see the updated value for the content dstribution port under the Settings tab of the node. Repeat this procedure for each node so that the content distribution port matches across all nodes.