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Version: 3.0

Prioritize migrations

Assign a priority of High, Normal, or Low to your migration based on how time-critical the data transfer is. The default priority for all migrations is Normal.

Migration processing

A migration with any priority will enter the RUNNING state when the migration limit hasn't been reached.

When the migration limit has been reached, the migration priority determines which migration should be moved to the RUNNING state next.

  • A migration will move to the RUNNING state if the number of migrations currently in the RUNNING state, with the same priority or higher, is less than the migration limit.
  • A migration will be SCHEDULED if the number of migrations currently in the RUNNING state, with the same priority or higher, is the equal to the migration limit.

Migrations in the RUNNING state, regardless of their priority, will not be stopped if a migration of higher priority has been started. The lower-priority migration will remain running but Data Migrator will prioritize processing of the higher-priority migration.


  • With a migration limit of 5, and 2 normal priority migrations running, when a migration with a low priority is added, Data Migrator will move this new migration to the RUNNING state.
  • With a migration limit of 1, and 1 lower-priority migration running, when a new higher-priority migration is started, Data Migrator will move this new migration to the RUNNING state and prioritize processing of the higher-priority migration.

Migration priority has an impact on both the sequencing of pending migrations and the prioritization of processing tasks. However, with multiple influencing factors, it doesn't equate to a guarantee of one migration completing over another.

Manage migration priority with the UI

Create a prioritized migration with the UI

While creating a migration in the UI, select High, Normal, or Low under Migration Priority.

Update migration priority with the UI

  1. From the Dashboard, select the migration you want to update.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Under Priority, select High, Normal, or Low.
  4. Select Submit.

You can view the priority of a specific migration at any time on its Settings menu option. To see the priority of all existing migrations, go to the Data Migrations option for your Data Migrator instance under Migrations.

Bulk update migration priority with the UI

You can assign a priority to multiple migrations at once with the UI. See Bulk actions for more details.


Migration priority won't influence the order in which a number of migrations are started with a bulk action. When they are started, actions for each migration are executed in priority order.

Manage migration priority with the CLI

Create a prioritized migration with the CLI

Create a prioritized migration with the CLI by using the migration add command with the --priority parameter.

  • --priority Enter this parameter with a value of HIGH, NORMAL, or LOW to assign a priority to the migration. Higher-priority migrations are processed first. If not specified, migration priority defaults to NORMAL.


Create a high-priority migration
migration add --path /repl1 --target mytarget –-priority HIGH

Update migration priority with the CLI

Update a migration's priority with the CLI by using the migration update priority command with the --priority parameter.

  • --name or --migration-id Enter the name or ID of the migration.
  • --priority Enter this parameter with a value of HIGH, NORMAL, or LOW to assign a new priority to the migration.
  • --detailed or --verbose Returns additional information about the migration.


Update a migration's priority to 'LOW'
migration update priority --name ExampleMigration1 –-priority LOW