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Version: 3.0

Bulk actions

Example use case: Rotate credentials

You use access keys, secrets, and key files to authenticate with your cloud resources. During your data migration project, you need to rotate these credentials.

You migrate data to a single target but you have 30 migrations in progress for that target.

To rotate the credentials for the target, you have to stop all the associated migrations, change the key, and start all the associated migrations again.

To quickly and simply stop and restart all the migrations, you go to the Bulk Actions page in the UI.

Example use case: Filter by source and target, and search by migration name

You have multiple targets and each target has multiple migrations. You need to rotate the credentials for only one of the targets.

Instead of stopping and restarting all the migrations for all your targets, you only want to stop the migrations associated with the target whose key you need to rotate.

To quickly and simply stop and restart only the associated migrations, you go to the Bulk Actions page in the UI and search by migration name.

Migration names are often similar to the path names, so finding all the migrations for a single target or agent with a search term can be tricky.

Use the available source and target filters to further refine your search results. The source filter is particularly useful if you have multiple S3 sources, for example.

Overview of available bulk actions

The table below shows which bulk actions are available for data and metadata migrations.

Bulk actionData migrationsMetadata migrations
Add exclusions
Assign group
Reset with Target Match
Change priority

Use the Filter by Source and Filter by Target dropdowns to refine the list of available migrations.

Bulk actions for data migrations

  1. On the Dashboard page, select the relevant instance from the Instances panel.
  2. Select Data Migrations from the Migrations menu on the left side.
  3. Under Bulk Action, select the action you want to take.

    See the table below for important information on each action.

  4. Select all migrations you want to update.
  5. Select the Submit/Reset button.
Bulk actionDescription
Add exclusionsThese exclusions will apply to all new migration activity, but will not affect previously migrated content.
Assign groupAssign, change, or remove Management group assignments.
ResetYou can only reset stopped or failed live or one-time migrations. You can't reset recurring migrations or migrations in a Ready/NONSCHEDULED, Completed, or In Progress/RUNNING state. Migrations must be in a Stopped or Failed state to appear in the list of migrations available to reset.

Under Update Migration Configuration, select Reset Path Mappings to clear the migration's path mapping configuration and automatically use your most recent path mapping configuration. Clear it to continue using the same path mapping configuration from before the reset.

Under Skip or Overwrite Settings, select Overwrite if you want the migration to remigrate files that had already been migrated before the reset, regardless of whether the file sizes are the same on the source and target filesystems. Select Skip If Size Match to skip migrating any files that already exist on the target and have the same file size as on the source.
Reset with Target MatchFor non ADLS Gen2 live sources. Enable Target Match on reset. Learn more.
ResumeYou can only resume migrations in a Stopped state.
StartYou can only start migrations in a Ready state.
StopYou can only stop live, one-time, and recurring migrations in an In Progress/RUNNING state.
Change priorityUnder Migration Priority, select a new priority of High, Normal, or Low.

Bulk actions for metadata migrations

  1. On the Dashboard page, select the relevant instance from the Instances panel.
  2. Select Metadata Migrations from the Migrations menu on the left side.
  3. Under Bulk Action, select the action you want to take.

    See the table below for important information on each action.

  4. Select all migrations you want to update.
  5. Select the Submit button.
Bulk actionDescription
Assign groupAssign, change, or remove Management group assignments.
PauseYou can only pause migrations in a Live or In Progress/RUNNING state.
ResetYou can only reset migrations in a Stopped state.
ResumeYou can only resume migrations in a Paused state.
StartYou can only start migrations in a Stopped or Ready state.
StopYou can only stop migrations in a Live or In Progress/RUNNING state.

If you're using Bulk Actions with Databricks migrations, see the following Known Issue.