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Version: 3.0

Get started

You can use the UI or CLI to manage resources and migrate data.

If you want to use the UI to operate Data Migrator, register your Data Migrator account after installation. If you want to use the CLI to operate Data Migrator, you're ready to sign in.


The UI can manage multiple Data Migrator instances from one convenient interface. It is designed to be intuitive and contains on-screen instructions to help you perform migrations and configuration tasks successfully.

The UI is available on port 8081 on your Data Migrator host. For example, if you're running Data Migrator on a host named, the URL is:

Register your user account

You'll be asked to register the first time you use the UI. Fill in the registration form to create your user account.

Internet access from the host is not required, but when it is available, you'll be sent confirmation of your registration. We'll use your registration information to send you important information about your Data Migrator account, such as a reminder before your license expires. You can also opt in to receive additional product updates.

For more information about account management in the UI, see Configuring the UI.


If you need to reset the admin user password at any time and cannot do so with the associated email address, refer to these instructions.

Log in to the UI.

Register your user account to sign in to the UI and access the Dashboard. View your default Data Migrator instance already connected to localhost on port 18080 under Instances. Begin your configuration by configuring filesystems.

Add Data Migrator instances

If you have additional Data Migrator instances, these can be managed in the UI.


Expose the REST API on any additional Data Migrator instances you want to add.

Follow these steps to add an instance of Data Migrator:


Data Migrator comes preconfigured with an instance running on localhost, if you intend to use the default you don't need to add a Data Migrator instance. To remove the preconfigured instance see the Remove Data Migrators steps.

  1. On the dashboard, select View all under Instances, then select + to add a new instance.
  2. On the Connect to a new Data Migrator page, enter the Data Migrator instance details:
    • Product name - Give your Data Migrator instance a name (for example, LDM-02).
    • Hostname or IP address - Enter the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the Data Migrator host machine (for example,
    • Data Migrator Port - Enter the Data Migrator port (for example, 18080).
    • Add Hive Migrator - Select if your Data Migrator instance has the Hive Migrator service running.
      • Hive Migrator port - Enter the Hive Migrator port (for example, 6780).
    • Use basic authentication - Select if basic authentication is already enabled on your Data Migrator instance.
      • Username - Enter the Data Migrator instance username for basic authentication (for example, admin).
      • Password - Enter the Data Migrator instance password for basic authentication (for example, password).
  3. Select Connect once all details have been filled.

You will be taken to the Data Migrator Overview page once the UI has connected to the instance. The new Data Migrator instance will also be displayed on the dashboard in the Instances section.

Rename Data Migrators

Follow these steps if you want to rename a Data Migrator instance from the UI:

  1. On the dashboard, select the Data Migrator instance that you want to rename in the Instances section (for example, LDM-02).
  2. Under Configuration, select Data Migrator.
  3. Enter a new name in the Name field.
  4. Select Save to apply the change.

Remove Data Migrators

Preconfigured localhost

Follow these steps if you want to remove the preconfigured localhost Data Migrator instance from the UI:

  1. On the dashboard, select the LDM - localhost Data Migrator instance that you want to remove in the Instances section.
  2. Under Configuration, select Data Migrator.
  3. Select Remove to remove the Data Migrator instance (this also removes the associated Hive Migrator instance as well).
  4. Select the Remove option in the pop-up when prompted.
  5. Remove or comment out the line application.liveMigratorV2.servers=localhost\:18080 from the UI properties file /etc/wandisco/ui/

The Data Migrator instance will no longer display on the dashboard.

Any added instance

Follow these steps if you want to remove a Data Migrator instance from the UI:

  1. On the dashboard, select the Data Migrator instance that you want to remove in the Instances section (for example, LDM-02).
  2. Under Configuration, select Data Migrator.
  3. Select Remove to remove the Data Migrator instance (this also removes the associated Hive Migrator instance as well).
  4. Select the Remove option in the pop-up when prompted.

The Data Migrator instance will no longer display on the dashboard.


You can use the command line interface (CLI) to create and manage resources in Data Migrator, and migrate data and metadata.

Run the following command to sign in to the CLI:


The command prompt then loads and automatically connects to the Data Migrator services located on your host.

See Connect to the CLI for more information on the CLI.

Next steps

Ready to migrate data? Configure your filesystem to start.