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Version: 3.0


View detailed metrics about recent and ongoing Data Migrator events and activity through the UI or the CLI, such as changes to source data pending migration, bandwidth usage, data migration statistics, and more.


There's currently a known issue where regex-based exclusions added after the initial scan don't appear in the metrics. Learn more from the following knowledge base article.

View metrics in the UI

Go to the Metrics page to see a number of graphs tracking bandwidth usage, data migrated, and live events.

Oldest event metrics

Oldest event metrics let you view more details about your oldest migration events, including those which have not yet migrated. Use these to more effectively monitor the health of your migrations and diagnose problems.

Oldest event not yet migrated

See the timestamp of the oldest event not yet migrated to learn if Data Migrator is falling behind the event stream. Compare with service level agreements to understand if action is required.

10 minutes ago

Data Migrator with the oldest event

See the Data Migrator instance with the oldest event to see which Data Migrator instance may need attention.

Data Migrator - localhost

Migration with the oldest event

See the migration with the oldest event to see which migration may need attention.


Path with the oldest event

See the replicated path with the oldest event to see which replicated path may need attention.


Bandwidth usage

This graph tracks the rate of data migration across the network within a time period specified through the dropdown menu.

Live events

This graph tracks the changes made to source data that have yet to be migrated to the migration target.

Daily data migrated

This graph charts the total amount of data migrated by Data Migrator each day across a time frame specified through the date dropdown menus.


If you have more than one instance of Data Migrator, select the instance on top of the page to view Daily Data migrated for that instance.

View metrics in the CLI

Run the status command with the --diagnostics parameter to return detailed information about Data Migrator operations:

Status with --diagnostics
status --diagnostics

Uptime: 0 Days 1 Hours 23 Minutes 24 Seconds
SystemCpuLoad: 0.1433 ProcessCpuLoad: 0.0081
JVM GcCount: 192 GcPauseTime: 36 s (36328 ms)
OS Connections: 1, Tx: 0 B, Rx: 0 B, Retransmit: 0
Transfer Bytes (10/30/300s): 0.00 Gib/s, 0.00 Gib/s, 0.00 Gib/s
Transfer Files (10/30/300s): 0.00/s 0.00/s 0.00/s
Active Transfers/pull.threads: 0/100
Migrations: 0 RUNNING, 4 LIVE, 0 STOPPED
Actions Total: 0, Largest: "testmigration" 0, Peak: "MyMigration" 1
PendingRegions Total: 0 Avg: 0, Largest: "MyMigration" 0
FailedPaths Total: 0, Largest: "MyMigration" 0
File Transfer Retries Total: 0, Largest: "MyMigration" 0
Total Excluded Scan files/dirs/bytes: 26, 0, 8.1 MB
Total Iterated Scan files/dirs/bytes: 20082, 9876, 2.7 GB
EventsBehind Current/Avg/Max: 0/0/0, RPC Time Avg/Max: 4/8
EventsQueued: 0, Total Events Added: 504
Transferred File Size Percentiles:
2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B
Transferred File Transfer Rates Percentiles per Second:
2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B, 2 B
Active File Size Percentiles:
0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B
Active File Transfer Rates Percentiles per Second:
0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B, 0 B

For more information on the status command, see Command Reference.