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Version: 3.0

Migration Management delegation

Data Migrator allows you to delegate the management of migrations to specific groups of non-admin users with Migration Management. Delegating the management of migrations across teams, users and groups is beneficial when dealing with larger numbers of individual data migrations.

With LDAP Authentication and Access control configured, you can create Management Groups containing specific users and assign specific migrations to these groups. Then with Migration Management enabled, migrations assigned to groups are controlled and managed by admin users and only the non-admin (migration managers) users in those groups.

You'll need to enable Migration Management through the UI. LDAP Authentication and Access Control is required and must be configured.

Additional information

  • Admin users have the option to assign a migration Management Group or leave unassigned when creating a migration.
  • Non-admin migration managers have the option to assign a migration to any Migration Management group they have membership of but cannot leave it blank.
  • Admin users have the option to change or remove a Management Group when editing a migration.
  • Migration metric data from the dashboard or metric submenu is not available to non-admin users in a migration Management Group.
  • Only admin users can view and adjust migration priority for migrations assigned to a Management Group.
  • Admin users still have full access to all features and functionality. Non-admin users not assigned to a migration Management Group will no longer have access to view or manage any migration.

Migration Management support was added to Hive Migrator in Data Migrator 3.0. If you upgraded from Data Migrator 2.6 to 3.0 or later and also have Migration Management enabled on API Access Control, your Migration Management configuration is not automatically applied to Hive Migrator.

Apply access control to enable Migration Management on Hive Migrator after upgrading to Data Migrator 3.0 or later.


For example, with LDAP configured, configure Access Control to give users or groups of users management access with the following steps.

  1. Sign in to the UI with your registered admin user account.
  2. Select the settings cog on the upper-right to go to the Settings page.
  3. Select Access Control.
  4. Set up role based access control settings as required.
  5. Under Role Mapping, enter the attribute value that will match the "Group Name Attribute" (specified in Access control) for each LDAP group under Migration Manager Groups. Add attribute values one by one.
  6. Select Apply to update the settings.

Enablement overview

Create a Management Group


Migration Management groups can be created before enabling Migration Management. Enable Migration Management for management changes to take effect.

  1. Sign in to the UI with your registered admin user account.
  2. Select the settings cog on the upper-right to go to the Settings page.
  3. Select Migration Management from the submenu.
  4. Select Create Group to create a new Management Group.
  5. In the Group Name field, enter a name.
  6. In the LDAP Group Filter field, supply the value that will match the "Group Name Attribute" specified in Access Control configuration. For example if the Group Name Attribute is cn, provide the cn value for the group.

    Ensure the values you enter for the LDAP Group Filter are in the correct case as specified in your directory service.

  7. Select Create to create the new group.

If the users added to the group don't have Migration Manager access in Access Control, they won't be able to manage migrations. Ensure any groups you create include users with adequate Access Control.

View and edit Management Group

View or edit your Management Group name, LDAP Group Filter and view its associated migrations.

  1. Sign in to the UI with your registered admin user account.
  2. Select the settings cog on the upper-right to go to the Settings page.
  3. Select Migration Management from the submenu.
  4. Under Management Groups, select the group from the list.
  5. View or edit the Group Name and LDAP Group Filter under View Group.
  6. View the group's assigned migrations under Associated Data Migrations and Associated Metadata Migrations.

Delete Management Group

Delete an existing Management Group.

  1. Sign in to the UI with your registered admin user account.
  2. Select the settings cog on the upper-right to go to the Settings page.
  3. Select Migration Management from the submenu.
  4. Under Management Groups, select the group from the list.
  5. Select Delete to remove the Management Group, assigned migrations will become unassigned.

Assign migrations to group

You can assign already created migrations to a group as a bulk action, or when creating the migration, or by editing an existing migration.


Migrations can be assigned to one group, but a group can have multiple migrations.

Bulk assign migrations to group

  1. On the Dashboard page, select the relevant instance from the Instances panel.
  2. Select Data Migrations from the Migrations menu on the left side.
  3. Under Bulk Action, select Assign group.
  4. Select all migrations you want to update.
  5. Under Grouping, select the Management Group.
  6. Select Submit to apply the change.

You can also remove or change the group assignment using bulk actions. See Bulk actions for more information.


Remember to Enable Migration Management for management changes to take effect.

Enable Migration Management

Enable Migration Management to enforce your configured migration management delegation configuration with the following steps.

  1. Sign in to the UI with your registered admin user account.
  2. Select the settings cog on the upper-right to go to the Settings page.
  3. Select Migration Management from the submenu.
  4. Select Enable Migration Management.
  5. Select Save. This will log the current user out of the UI, to complete the remaining steps, log back in.
  6. Select Settings then API Access Control and choose Apply & Restart now or Apply and Restart later to apply your Migration Management configuration to the API and CLI. See Apply API LDAP access control for more info.

If you've applied Migration Management configuration and subsequently create, edit or delete group configuration, you'll need to Apply access control again for changes to take effect.


If you've enabled Migration Management and later apply changes to your LDAP Authentication configuration, Migration Management will automatically become disabled. You'll need to Enable Migration Management again after applying any changes to your LDAP configuration.


With Migration Management enabled in the UI, the CLI and API won't have group-based configuration applied unless applied with API Access Control. Remember to apply your Migration Management configuration to the API and CLI see Configure API LDAP access control.