
TeamResource REST endpoint for querying and manipulating ACP teams Copyright 2017 WANdisco.

The following resources are part of this group:


Mount Point: /teams


Retrieves a list of teams


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query name
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

a PagedResultListDTO of TeamDTOs

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Create a team


name description type default
force (no documentation provided) query false

Request Body

element: team
media types: */*

TeamDTO representation of the team to be created

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/counts


Retrieve a count of total teams


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
id list of target teams query

Response Body

element: counts
media types: application/xml

a List of counts

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/rules


Retrieve all team rules


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query ruleName
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of RuleDTOs

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{id}

The following operations are supported on this resource:


Retrieves a team


name description type default
id ID of the team to be retrieved path
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false

Response Body

element: team
media types: application/xml

(no documentation provided)

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Update a team


name description type default
id target team ID path
force (no documentation provided) query false
removeLdapUsers (no documentation provided) query false

Request Body

element: team
media types: */*

TeamDTO representation of the edited team

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Deletes an access control object


name description type default
id ID of the model object to delete path

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the deletion

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/rules/counts


Get user/resource counts for specified rules


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
id list of rule IDs to be queried query

Response Body

element: counts
media types: application/xml

a List of CountsDTO

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/leaders


Retrieve a list of team leaders


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id the target team ID path
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query ownerUser
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of TeamAdminPermissionDTOs

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/members


Adds multiple users to a team


name description type default
team_id target team ID path

Request Body

element: ids
media types: */*

target user IDs to be added

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Retrieve the member users of a team


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id the target team ID path
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query username
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of UserDTOs

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/resources


Retrieve the resources of a specified team


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id target team ID path
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query repositoryName
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of ResourceDTOs

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Add a resource to a team


name description type default
team_id target team ID path

Request Body

element: resource
media types: */*

resource to add

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/rules


Creates a team rule


name description type default
team_id the target team ID path

Request Body

element: rule
media types: */*

rule to apply

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Retrieve a list of available team leaders


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id the target team ID path
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query ruleName
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of RuleDTOs

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/subteams


Retrieves the subteams of a given team


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id target team ID path
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query name
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of TeamDTOs

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Create a subteam


name description type default
team_id target parent team path

Request Body

element: team
media types: */*

subteam details

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/rules/counts/all


Retrieve a count of all rules


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false

Response Body

element: count
media types: application/xml

(no documentation provided)

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/leaders/available


Retrieve a list of available team leaders


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
pageSize (no documentation provided) query 20
pageNumber (no documentation provided) query 1
team_id the target team ID path
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query username
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of TeamAdminPermissionDTOs

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/leaders/{user_id}

The following operations are supported on this resource:


Adds a team admin permission to the given user


name description type default
team_id the target team ID path
user_id the target user ID path

Request Body

element: teamadminpermission
media types: */*

admin permission to apply

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden

Response Headers

name description
X-entity-id Team admin permission ID


Retrieves any admin permissions of this team associated for the specified user


name description type default
team_id the target team ID path
user_id the target user ID path
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false

Response Body

element: teamadminpermission
media types: application/xml

(no documentation provided)

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Adds a team admin permission of the given user


name description type default
team_id the target team ID path
user_id the target user ID path

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


updates a team admin permission to the given user


name description type default
team_id the target team ID path
user_id the target user ID path

Request Body

element: teamadminpermission
media types: */*

admin permission to apply

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/members/available


Retrieve the available member users in a team


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id the target team ID path
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query id
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of UserDTOs

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/members/counts


A count of users in a team


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id target team path
id target team members query

Response Body

element: counts
media types: application/xml

a List of counts

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/members/delete


Remove multiple users from a team


name description type default
team_id target team ID path

Request Body

element: ids
media types: */*

list of user IDs to remove

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/members/new


Creates a user and adds that user to a specific team.

Note, this operation is permitted for system admins and team leaders only.Standard non-team leader users are not authorized to use perform this operation.


name description type default
team_id the id of team to which the newly created user will be added to. path

Request Body

element: user
media types: */*

the user to create

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

HTTP Response Code When
202 ACCEPTED The request was accepted for processing. The DCone task id will also be returned in this case so the completion of the request (i.e. the creation of a user and the addition of that newly created user to a team) can be checked for success or failure.
403 FORBIDDEN If a standard non-team leader user is attempting to perform this operation, or the user performing this operation is a team leader, but not of the team specified in the request.
400 BAD REQUEST If the user represented by the userDTO argument already exists.
400 BAD REQUEST If the user represented by the userDTO is a local user and local users are disallowed by the application.
400 BAD REQUEST If no team exists matching the teamId argument.
400 BAD REQUEST If the user being created and added to the team needs to be added to one or more parent team(s) they are not already members of, but the user making the request does not have the appropriate permissions to add them to one or more parent team(s).
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If some unexpected problem occurred during processing of the request.

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id}


Adds a user to a team


name description type default
team_id target team path
user_id target user path

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Removes a user from a team


name description type default
team_id target team path
user_id target user to be removed path

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/resources/available


Retrieve the available resources of a specified team


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id target team ID path
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query repositoryName
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of ResourceDTOs

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/resources/delete


Deletes the specified resources from a team


name description type default
team_id target team ID path

Request Body

element: ids
media types: */*

list of resource IDs to delete

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/rules/counts


A count of rules in a team


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id target team path
id target rules query

Response Body

element: counts
media types: application/xml

a List of counts

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/rules/{rule_id}

The following operations are supported on this resource:


Retrieves the specified rule


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path

Response Body

element: rule
media types: application/xml

(no documentation provided)

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Deletes the specified rule


name description type default
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Updates the specified rule


name description type default
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path

Request Body

element: rule
media types: */*

the updated rule

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/testConnection/{ldap_authority_id}


Perform a test connection to the specified LDAP authority for this team


name description type default
team_id the target team path
ldap_authority_id the target LDAP authority path
pageSize number of results to return query 20
filter optional query filter query

Response Body

element: testConnectionResult
media types: */*

TestConnectionResultDTO of results

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/rules/{rule_id}/members


Adds users to a rule


name description type default
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path

Request Body

element: ids
media types: */*

list of user IDs to add

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Retrieve the users associated with a rule


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query username
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of UserDTOs

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/rules/{rule_id}/resourcepermissions

The following operations are supported on this resource:


Add resource permissions to a rule A sample xml encoded payload:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DTOs xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="resourcePermissionDTO">
<!-- if we need more
<DTOs xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="resourcePermissionDTO">


name description type default
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path
bypassConflictValidation (no documentation provided) query false

Request Body

element: dtolist
media types: */*

list of resource permissions to add

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Retrieve the resource permissions associated with a rule


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query path
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of ResourcePermissionDTOs

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Edit rule resource permissions


name description type default
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path
bypassConflictValidation (no documentation provided) query false

Request Body

element: dtolist
media types: */*

list of edited resource permissions

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/rules/{rule_id}/members/available


Retrieve the available users associated with a rule


name description type default
queryEnforced "true" to query the current/enforced model, i.e. the model as it was the last time files where generated, "false" to query the pending/shadow model, i.e. the model as it will be when pending batch updates are eventually applied at some point in the future. Note that this query param is only applicable/relevant for when batched updates is enabled, if batch updates is disabled, this query param is ignored. query false
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by query username
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

PagedResultListDTO of UserDTOs

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/rules/{rule_id}/members/delete


Remove the specified users from the rule


name description type default
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path

Request Body

element: ids
media types: */*

list of user IDs to remove

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /teams/{team_id}/rules/{rule_id}/resourcepermissions/delete


Delete resource permissions from a rule


name description type default
team_id parent team ID path
rule_id target rule ID path

Request Body

element: ids
media types: */*

IDs of permissions to remove

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

ID of the task monitoring the proposal

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
503 Service unavailable - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden