
A RESTful resource class containing resource methods mapped to receiving and returning ACP audit records.

The following resources are part of this group:


Mount Point: /audit


Receives and stores the supplied AuditRecordDTO's

Request Body

element: auditrecorddtolistcontainer
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

HTTP Response Code When
401 Authentication (AuthN) failure Unable to authenticate the user making the request
403 Authorization (AuthZ) failure The user making the request was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this request.
200 OK The supplied AuditRecordDTO's are valid
404 NOT FOUND No account was found for a DTO, or an account was found, but no audit record were found for that account.
400 BAD REQUEST The application was unable to find a repository matching the contents of a supplied AuditRecordDTO.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If the repository information contained in the supplied AuditRecordDTO's matches to more than one repository in the application, or, some other unexpected problem occurred during processing of the request.

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


This resource has been deprecated.

Mount Point: /audit/accounts


This operation has been deprecated.


name description type default
pageSize (no documentation provided) query 20
pageNumber (no documentation provided) query 1
fieldList (no documentation provided) query
sortAscending (no documentation provided) query true
sortColumn (no documentation provided) query accessTime
searchKeyList (no documentation provided) query
searchValueList (no documentation provided) query

Response Body

element: auditrecord
media types: application/xml

(no documentation provided)

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /audit/all


Returns all audit records stored by the application.


name description type default
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs (default is none) query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending (default is true) query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by (default is accessTime query accessTime
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: pagedresultlist
media types: application/xml

HTTP Response Code When
401 Authentication (AuthN) failure Unable to authenticate the user making the request
403 Authorization (AuthZ) failure The user making the request was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this request.
200 OK The request was successful. A PagedResultListDTO of AuditRecordDTOs will be returned in the body of the request.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If some unexpected problem occurred during processing of the request.

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /audit/single


Request Body

element: auditrecord
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)

Status Codes

code description
202 Accepted - proposed
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /audit/{account_id}


Returns the latest (most recent) audit record for the supplied accountId.


name description type default
account_id the (non-empty, non-null) accountId of the account whose last audit record will be returned. path

Response Body

element: auditrecord
media types: application/xml

HTTP Response Code When
401 Authentication (AuthN) failure Unable to authenticate the user making the request
403 Authorization (AuthZ) failure The user making the request was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this request.
200 OK An account was found matching the supplied accountId, and the latest audit record for that account is returned in a AuditRecordDTO
404 NOT FOUND No account was found matching the supplied accountId
400 BAD REQUEST No accountId was supplied, or a null or empty accountId was supplied
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If some unexpected problem occurred during processing of the request.

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /audit/last/accounts


Returns the latest audit record for each account. Shows only records for accounts access for which have been recorded.


name description type default
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs (default is none) query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending (default is true) query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by (default is accessTime query accountName
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: auditrecord
media types: application/xml

HTTP Response Code When
401 Authentication (AuthN) failure Unable to authenticate the user making the request
403 Authorization (AuthZ) failure The user making the request was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this request.
200 OK The request was successful, a list of AuditRecordDTOs wil be returned, containg the latest AuditRecordDTO for each repository. This list will be empty if there are currently no audit records stored.
400 BAD REQUEST No accountName was supplied, or a null or empty accountName was supplied
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If some unexpected problem occurred during processing of the request.

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /audit/last/repositories


Returns the latest audit record for each repository.


name description type default
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs (default is none) query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending (default is true) query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by (default is accessTime query historicRepositoryName
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search for query

Response Body

element: auditrecord
media types: application/xml

HTTP Response Code When
401 Authentication (AuthN) failure Unable to authenticate the user making the request
403 Authorization (AuthZ) failure The user making the request was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this request.
200 OK The request was successful, a list of AuditRecordDTOs wil be returned, containg the latest AuditRecordDTO for each repository. This list will be empty if there are currently no audit records stored.
400 BAD REQUEST No accountName was supplied, or a null or empty accountName was supplied
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If some unexpected problem occurred during processing of the request.

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /audit/single/{id}


Returns audit record by it's id. The id could be obtained using other audit-record end-points.


name description type default
id (no documentation provided) path

Response Body

element: auditrecord
media types: application/xml

(no documentation provided)

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /audit/{account_id}/all


Returns all audit records for the supplied accountId.


name description type default
account_id a (non-empty, non-null) accountId. path
pageSize number of entries per page query 20
pageNumber page to return query 1
fieldList list of fields to be populated in returned DTOs (default is none) query
sortAscending "true" if results should be sorted ascending (default is true) query true
sortColumn column name to perform sort by (default is accessTime query accessTime
searchKeyList list of keys to search by query
searchValueList list of values to search fo query

Response Body

element: auditrecord
media types: application/xml

HTTP Response Code When
401 Authentication (AuthN) failure Unable to authenticate the user making the request
403 Authorization (AuthZ) failure The user making the request was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this request.
200 OK An account was found matching the supplied accountId, and all the audit records for that account are returned as a list of a AuditRecordDTOs. This list will be empty if the account currently has no audit records stored.
404 NOT FOUND No account was found matching the supplied accountId.
400 BAD REQUEST No accountId was supplied, or a null or empty accountId was supplied
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If some unexpected problem occurred during processing of the request.

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden


Mount Point: /audit/{account_id}/repo/{repository_name}


Returns the latest (most recent) audit record for the supplied accountId and repositoryName.


name description type default
account_id a (non-empty, non-null) accountId of the account whose last audit record will be returned. path
repository_name a (non-empty, non-null) repositoryName. path

Response Body

element: auditrecord
media types: application/xml

HTTP Response Code When
401 Authentication (AuthN) failure Unable to authenticate the user making the request
403 Authorization (AuthZ) failure The user making the request was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this request.
200 OK An account was found matching the supplied accountId and repositoryName, and the latest audit record for that account is returned in a AuditRecordDTO
404 NOT FOUND No account was found matching the supplied accountId
400 BAD REQUEST No accountId/repositoryName was supplied, or a null or empty accountId/repositoryName was supplied
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If some unexpected problem occurred during processing of the request.

Status Codes

code description
200 OK
400 Bad request - see returned ExceptionDTO
404 Not found - see returned ExceptionDTO
401 Authentication required.
403 Authorization required - access forbidden