The tab under which you manage your replicated Subversion Repositories.


repositoriestab edit add repo filter global local consistency check remove

Repositories tab

Repository Table

Any repository that you add to Subversion MultiSite Enterprise will appear on the repository table.

The Repository Name
The local path to the repository. This needs to be the same across all sites
Replicator Group
The replication group in which the repository is replicated
The file size of the repository
Youngest Rev
This is the latest revision number for the repository
Lists any pending transactions. The transactions link to the last transactions played out for the repository:
edit repository 2

Click on a transaction box.

edit repository 2

Transactions list revealed!

Last Modified
The date and time of the last modification to the repository
Global RO
Indicates if the repository is globally read-only
** Alert! **Stops any further commits from SVN users
The term Global Read-only doesn't accurately reflect what happens at the repository-level. When a repository enters a Global Read-only state it will no longer accept any commits from Subversion clients. However, proposals that are flying around within the state machine can still be written. It is this state that allows nodes to reach a synchronized stop.
Local RO
Indicates if the repository is locally read-only. A locally read-only repository is completely locked down, it does not accept new commits from SVN clients but does accept futher changes from within the replication system.
Indicates whether the repository is replicating or has stopped. A stopped repository will be in a read-only state, either globally or locally

tip" Under control
Remember that this table doesn't automatically show all the repositories on the server, only those repositories that have been added. See Add Repository

Consistency Check

The Consistency Check tool provides a quick method for confirming that the distributed copies (replicas) of a repository are all in an identical state - a requirement for replication. Clicking the button will trigger series of checks, the results of which will appear on the Replicator Tasks widget, available on the dashboard. For more information on its use, see Consistency Checks


Use the remove button after selecting a repository to remove the selected repository from MultiSite's control. The repository data will not be deleted but once deleted, changes made to the repository locally will no longer be replicated to other nodes. See 8. Removing Repositories

Edit Repositories

It's possible to make changes to a repositories settings after it has been added. This is how:

Add Repository

Click ADD in order to add a new repository to Subversion MulitiSite Enterprise - the repository must already exist and be tested before you place it under the control of MultiSite.

edit repository 2
Repo name
Choose a descriptive name. This doesn't need to be the folder name, it can be anything you like.
FS Path
The local file system path to the repository. This needs to be the same across all sites.
Replicator Group
The replication group in which the repository is replicated. It is the replication group that determines which sites hold repository replica, and what role each replica plays.
Global Read-only
Check box that lets you add a repository that will be globally read-only. In this state Subversion MultiSite Enterprise continues to communicate system changes, such as repository roles and scheduling, however, no repository changes will be accepted, either locally or through proposals that might come in from other sites - which in most cases shouldn't happen as by definition the repository should also be read-only at all other sites.

tip" Global Read-only
You can think of the Global Read-only flag as quick means of locking down a repository, so that no commits will be accepted at any site.

Add Repo
Click the Add Repo button when you have entered all the required fields for the repository that you are adding. You can cancel the addition of the repository by clicking on the circular cross icon that appears on the left-hand side of the entry fields.
Filter Repositories
You can use this search box to filter the list of available repositories, useful if you're running with a large number of repositories.

Reset all stats

tip" Reset All Stats (on this node)

SVN MuliSite Plus captures basic repository stats for all the repositories placed under it's control. The stats for selected repositories are displayed on the dashboard.

Click the RESET ALL STATS button to blank all the repository statistics on a node. The action is not replicated and the stats that are stored on the other nodes will not be affacted.



The Repository Repair tool is used when a repository on one of your nodes has been corrupted or similarly requires repair or replacement. Selecting a repository to repair, the tool asks to you select a 'helper' node. This node will briefly stop replicating as it will be used to copy or rsync an up-to-date replica of the broken repository onto the current node.

Sync Stop

The Sync Stop tool lets you bring replication to a stop for a selected repository. The tool is required to ensure that when replication has stopped all repository replica remain in exactly the same state. This requirement is complicated within distributed systems where proposals may be accepted on some nodes while still in-flight to other nodes. See Performaing a synchronized stop