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Version: 3.1 (latest)

Email notification types

View the following email notification types with the notification email types show CLI command.

Add notification types to the email notification subscription list with the notification email types add CLI command.

Email notification types

The following list shows email notification types listed and examples of the information provided. Example values shown below are substituted with actual values in real notifications.

Notification typesExample information provided
AbandonWindowExceptionThis type provides 3 notifications, an initial, then periodically every hour, then a final one when the connection is established:
ABANDON_WINDOW_FINAL_NOTIFICATION - Connection to source x established. No further retries required.
ABANDON_WINDOW_INITIAL_NOTIFICATION - There is an issue reading from source x. Retrying.
ABANDON_WINDOW_PERIODIC_NOTIFICATION - X migrations from source y currently can’t continue scanning.
Adls2EventListenerStartFailedNotificationCan't initialize communication with ADLS2 event listener.
Adls2SourceNonretriablePollingErrorNon-retriable error occurred while polling events from ADLS2 source x.
AgentBecameHealthyNotificationData transfer agent x has become healthy.
AgentBecameUnhealthyNotificationData transfer agent x has become unhealthy.
AgentUnavailableNotificationCouldn't restore connection to data transfer agent.
BackupCreationCompletedNotificationBackup x was created.
BackupCreationFailedNotificationCouldn't create backup x.
EventsBehindNotificationData Migrator is behind the changes being made to the source filesystem.
FailedPathSummaryNotificationPaths have failed to migrate on x migrations in the last y minutes.
FileSystemHealthyNotificationFilesystem x is now healthy.
FileSystemUnhealthyNotificationFilesystem x has become unhealthy and Data Migrator can't communicate with it.
HighPendingRegionNotificationThe number of pending regions for path x is y.
IbmCosEventsConsumerInitializationErrorCan't initialize communication with Kafka topic.
INotifyAccessDeniedCan't access source events from the inotify stream, because the access to the stream is denied.
INotifyEventListenerStartFailedNotificationEvent listener can't poll HDFS events because inotify didn't start for x.
INotifyEventSourceIsNotAvailableErrorinotify HDFS events source not available. Check the HDFS NameNode is available.
INotifySourceMaxPollingRetriesIsReachedMaximum number of retries x polling source events from inotify service is reached.
INotifySourceNonretriablePollingErrorNon-retriable error occurred while polling events from HDFS inotify.
KafkaMaxPollingRetriesIsReachedMaximum number of retries x polling source events from Kafka is reached.
KafkaNonretriablePollingErrorNon-retriable error occurred while polling notifications from Kafka.
KafkaPollingErrorError occurred while polling notifications from Kafka.
KafkaSourceEventsNotAvailableCan't access source events from Kafka topic x.
LicenseExceptionNotificationNotification deprecated, kept for backwards compatibility.
LicenseExpiredNotificationLicense has expired.
LicenseFailedToLoadNotificationCouldn't upload the license.
LicenseInvalidNotificationNotification deprecated, kept for backwards compatibility. MetadataMigrationErrorNotification - Migration x failed to migrate an object witty error: y.
LicenseNearExpirationNotificationLicense is near the expiry.
LicenseNotFoundNotificationLicense not found.
LicenseTrialNoLongerValidThe trial license is no longer valid.
LicenseWarningNotificationNotification deprecated, kept for backwards compatibility.
LiveMigratorPanicNotificationNotification deprecated, kept for backwards compatibility.
LiveMigratorStartNotificationData Migrator version x started.
MetadataAgentErrorNotificationAgent metastore error.
MetadataAgentUpdateNotificationHive Agent has been successfully updated.
MetadataApplicationStateNotificationHivemigrator service has started.
MetadataBackupCreationFailedNotificationFailed to create a metadata backup.
MetadataBackupCreationSuccessNotificationSuccessfully created metadata backup with name x.
MetadataBackupRestoreFailedNotificationFailed to restore metadata migration from backup.
MetadataBackupRestoreSuccessNotificationSuccessfully restored metadata migration from backup.
MetadataConfigUpdateNotificationHivemigrator config was updated.
MetadataLicenseErrorNotificationNotification for invalid license, license not found or license service being unavailable.
MetadataMigrationAutoStoppedNotificationMigration x has been automatically stopped.
MetadataMigrationFailedNotificationMetadata migration x has failed.
MetadataMigrationModeChangeNotificationMigration x has switched to a scanning mode.
MetadataMigrationPausedNotificationMigration has been paused.
MetadataMigrationProgressUpdateNotificationInitial scan completed for migration x.
MetadataMigrationStartedNotificationMigration x has been started.
MetadataMigrationStoppedNotificationMigration has been manually stopped.
MetadataMigrationUpdateNotificationMigration x was added or deleted.
MetadataRuleUpdateNotificationRule x has been created or deleted.
MigrationAddedNotificationMigration x added for path y.
MigrationAutoStoppedNotificationMigration x for path y has been stopped automatically.
MigrationCompletedNotificationMigration x for path y is completed.
MigrationFailedPathNotificationPath x failed for migration y.
MigrationLiveNotificationMigration x for path y is live.
MigrationManuallyStoppedNotificationMigration x for path y has been stopped manually.
MigrationRestartFailedNotificationFailed to restart the migration.
MigrationStartedNotificationMigration x for path y started.
MissingEventsNotificationAn error occurred while reading the HDFS event stream x. Retry.
NoAgentsAvailableNotificationData Migrator couldn't connect with any data transfer agents(DTAs).
RequeueActionStartedNotificationLiveData Migrator is attempting to retry a migration action.
RestoreFromBackupCompletedNotificationApplication state restored from backup x successfully.
RestoreFromBackupFailedNotificationCouldn't restore application state from backup.
SQSQueueAccessDeniedCan't access source events from SQS queue x because access to the queue is denied.
SqsQueueCanNotInitializeCommunicationCan't initialize communication with SQS queue.
SQSQueueConnectionAbortedCouldn't connect to SQS queue.
SQSQueueDoesNotExistCan't access source events from SQS queue x because it doesn't exist.
SQSQueueMaxPollingRetriesIsReachedMaximum number of retries x polling source events from SQS queue is reached.
SQSQueueNonretriablePollingErrorNon-retriable error occurred while polling events from the SQS queue.
SQSQueuePollingErrorError occurred while polling events from the SQS queue.
UserHasInsufficientPermissionScan for migration x can't continue because the system user doesn't have the required permission.
VerificationScanCompletedA verification scan completed on migration x.
VerificationScanStartedA verification scan started on migration x.

Next steps

See additional email notification subscription CLI commands.