Reference Guide

Welcome to the Reference Guide for WANdisco's Access Control Plus.

Access Control Plus delivers a single, easy-to-use point-and-click solution that fully protects valuable source code across all of your Subversion and Git repositories. Designed to work in conjunction with WANdisco's SCM replication products or as a stand-alone solution. Integration with LDAP and Active Directory ensures that users are automatically assigned to the Subversion and Git teams that correspond to their authentication server groups. Security administrators can delegate authority to team leads to further reduce administrative overhead.

1. Installation directory structure

This shows the files installed as part of Access Control Plus:

  rwxr-xr-x  2 wandisco wandisco   4096 May  6 10:17  backups

  drwxr-xr-x  2 root     root       4096 May  6 10:17  bin
  -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 14088 Jul 24 11:50 backup
  -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 13030 Jul 24 11:50 import42backup
  -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 11909 Jul 24 11:50 replace-link
  -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 13178 Jul 24 11:50 rollback
  -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root  1334 Jul 24 11:50 scm-access-control-plus
  -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 12349 Jul 24 11:50
  -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 22794 Jul 24 11:50 talkback
  -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root  4073 Jul 24 11:50 watchdog

  drwxr-xr-x  2 wandisco wandisco   4096 May  6 10:17 config
       -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 123 May  6 10:17 main.conf
  drwxr-xr-x  2 wandisco wandisco   4096 May  6 10:36 content
       -rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco 6010 May  6 10:36 8e09a1a2-0539-4ff1-b83a-f868ccc1a6c0
  drwxr-xr-x  7 wandisco wandisco   4096 May  6 11:59 database
       -rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco 8424 May  6 10:36
       drwxr-xr-x 3 wandisco wandisco 4096 May  6 10:17 application
       drwxr-xr-x 2 wandisco wandisco 4096 May  7 14:39 backup
       drwxr-xr-x 2 wandisco wandisco 4096 May  8 08:27 DConE.application.db
       drwxr-xr-x 3 wandisco wandisco 4096 May  6 10:36 h2
  drwxr-xr-x  4 root     root       4096 May  6 10:17 docs
       drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 12288 May  6 10:17 api
       drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 May  6 10:17 licenses
  drwxr-xr-x  6 root     root       4096 May  6 10:17 gfr
       drwxr-xr-x 3 root     root     4096 May  6 10:17 bin
       drwxr-xr-x 2 wandisco wandisco 4096 May  6 10:17 log
       drwxr-xr-x 2 wandisco wandisco 4096 May  6 10:17 tmp
       drwxr-xr-x 2 wandisco wandisco 4096 May  6 10:17 var
  drwxr-xr-x  2 root     root       4096 May  6 10:17 lib
  -rw-r--r--  1 root     root     198000 Apr 25 17:31 LICENSE.htm
  -rw-r--r--  1 root     root      45311 Apr 25 17:31 LICENSE.txt
  drwxr-xr-x  4 wandisco wandisco   4096 May  6 10:27 logs
       -rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco     366 May  6 10:27 multisite.log
       drwxr-xr-x 2 wandisco wandisco    4096 May  7 10:27 recovery-details
       -rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco   23226 May  6 10:27 scm-access-control-plus.20140506-101717.log
       -rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco   42441 May  6 10:27 scm-access-control-plus.20140506-102521.log
       -rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco 3550637 May  8 09:17 scm-access-control-plus.20140506-102749.log
       drwxr-xr-x 2 wandisco wandisco    4096 May  8 08:27 thread-dump
       -rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco    3232 May  6 10:27 watchdog.log
drwxr-xr-x  2 wandisco wandisco   4096 May  6 10:17 properties
       -rw-r--r-- 1 root     root     1036 May  6 10:17
       -rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco  512 May  6 10:17 license.key
       -rw-r--r-- 1 root     root     1514 Feb 26 10:00
       -rw-r--r-- 1 root     root     1969 Feb 25 11:20
       -rw-r--r-- 1 root     root      185 May  6 10:17
-rw-r--r--  1 root     root      34113 May  6 09:55 scm-access-control-plus-client.jar
  -rw-r--r--  1 root     root       8024 May  6 09:55 scm-access-control-plus-cryptPassword.jar
  -rw-r--r--  1 root     root     651749 May  6 09:55 scm-access-control-plus.jar
  -rw-r--r--  1 root     root       9882 May  6 09:55 scm-access-control-plus-resetSecurity.jar
  -rw-r--r--  1 root     root       1024 Apr 28 17:56
  -rw-r--r--  1 root     root       3064 Apr 29 11:16 THIRD-PARTY.txt
  drwxr-xr-x  2 wandisco wandisco   4096 May  6 10:17 tmp
  drwxr-xr-x 11 root     root       4096 May  6 10:17 ui
  drwxr-xr-x  3 wandisco wandisco   4096 May  6 10:17 var
  -rw-r--r--   1 root     root        689 May  6 09:46 VERSION-TREE

2. Properties files

The following files store application settings and constants that may need to be referenced during troubleshooting. However, you shouldn't make any changes to these files without consulting WANdisco's support team.

-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root     1036 May  6 10:17
- file contains settings for the replicator and affects how Access Control Plus performs.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root     1514 Feb 26 10:00
- Properties that control how the log4j Logging library works.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root     1969 Feb 25 11:20
- defines how the product's logging is handled.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root      185 May  6 10:17
- stores the details of the primary administration account that is set up during the installation.

3. Log files

The following log files are generated during operation.

-rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco     366 May  6 10:27 multisite.log
- Logs the application starts and stops.
drwxr-xr-x 2 wandisco wandisco    4096 May  7 10:27 recovery-details
- Contains information about how the nodes are set up and connected to each other.
-rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco   23226 May  6 10:27 scm-access-control-plus.<time-date-stamp>.log
- This is the main log file containing most application logging.
drwxr-xr-x 2 wandisco wandisco    4096 May  8 08:27 thread-dump
- Contains any thread-dumps that might occur.
-rw-r--r-- 1 wandisco wandisco    3232 May  6 10:27 watchdog.log
- Logs changes to the watchdog process that ensures that Access Control Plus automatically restarts should it unexpectedly shut down.

4. Admin Console master screen

Below is a screenshot of Access Control's adminc console master screen. From here you can seem all the component parts of your access control setup, accounts, teams, repositories (when not assigned to templates), resources and rules.
admin console master screen rulelookup Settings accountlogout System Stats Teams Accounts repositories resources Rules

5. System stats

The System stats provide a view of the overal scale of the deployment.

Uptime: Replicator
The time that has passed since the Access Control Plus process was started.
Session length
The time that has passed since the current browser session was started.
Total teams
The current number of teams managed withing Access Control Plus.
Total members
The total number of members (active and inactive).
Total resources
The total number of repository resources defined.
Total Rules
The number of rules so far created.

6. Deployment modes

Access Control Plus supports a wide number of different configurations that dictate how it can be used. When installed, the license key that you were issued will tell Access Control Plus which features to expose.

6.1 Available modes

The following Modes are available:

6.2 Which mode is running?

You can check which mode your installation is currently in by following these steps:

7. Batch updates mode

Many operations in Access Control Plus require that the Authz and that SCM password files be regenerated. In a rapidly changing SCM environment, the number and frequency of account, team and rule changes can degrade performance, chiefly from a basic disk I/O perspective.

If you need to ensure that performance is not affected by Access Control traffic, use the Batch updates feature.

WARNING: When Access Control Batch updates is enabled, changes to accounts, teams, SCM resources or rules are not instant. In order to see the actual current state (excluding changes that will only take effect after the next scheduled password/authz rewrite) you need to use the Current View. The Current view is intended for troubleshooting, where you need to see what is actually going on.

Batch Mode illustration

When Batch updates is enabled, all Access Control Plus changes that would result in a regeneration of the password or Authz files (see the list below) are batched up to be replicated to the other MultiSite nodes at a user-defined frequency, the default is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

Access Control changes that can be batched are:

Changes that are not affected include:

WARNING: Changes to LDAP Authorities do not trigger password / authz file rewrites.
However, when an authority is run, any resulting user or team changes do trigger rewrites.

7.1 Pending mode vs current view

When batched updates are enabled you can view the admin console in two modes:

Pending mode:
The admin console presents a view of Access Control that includes objects (users, teams and rules) that are not yet enforced, because they are waiting to be applied in the next batch update. This is the mode you use to make any access control changes, which are immediately added to the current waiting batch.
Pending mode actually shows you how access control will be applied when the current batch has been updated. This makes it difficult for troubleshooting and testing, where you would only want to see objects as they are actually applied to users here and now.
Current view:
Using Current view allows you to look at Access Control with all pending changes filtered out. This is specifically for troubleshooting and testing. Most Access Control creation or edit tools are disabled. (It does not make sense to create Access Control objects (users, teams or rules) in this mode as they do not appear until the current batch is run.)
If you need to make immediate Access Control changes, disable the Batched Updates feature before applying the change.

7.2 Enable current view

Current View excludes any changes that are still waiting in the next batch update. To use the current view:

  1. Log in to the admin console.
  2. Click on the Account drop-down in the right-hand corner of the screen.
    Settings 01
  3. Toggle the Enforce On.
    Settings 01
  4. The admin console's top bar will change to a mid grey colour and an "Current" symbol apears next to the Access Control Plus logo - this is to remind you that you're currently in the enforced view.
    Settings 01
  5. To leave the Current view, simply repeat the procedure, this time toggling back to the Off setting.

8. Generic file replication

WANdisco's replication technology has mostly been used in the replication of repository data between nodes. The Generic File Replication script uses the system to replicate other kinds of files. Right now these are the files that are used to coordinate changes in Access Control and repository management between nodes. Access Control Plus sends an archive of files (can contain multiple Authz, git Authz, passwd, git authorized keys, etc) as well as a set of instructions about where to put all these files. The locations are defined by the administrator during the setup of the Repository Templates (all as defined by the repository templates). Then the scripts unpack the files and place them according to the instructions. There are some advance params for templates, which let you specify certain nodes to skip, or to place only on given nodes and also to call a script before placement (which can trigger skip) and after.

The Generic File Replication Script handles the final delivery for AuthZ and Password changes. Customers modifying this code assume all responsibility for the execution thereof. Please contact WANdisco support for more information.

WARNING: To receive notification of GFR failures, you must configure email notifications correctly on all Git MultiSite and Subversion MultiSite Plus nodes.
Currently the API only returns the success or failure of the node that ACP is directly connected to. Therefore, you need to configure email notifications correctly on your WANdisco product.

8.1 Generic File Replication for MultiSite

Access Control Plus comes with a number of GFR scripts (see Internal Scripts) which are used exclusively in its stand-alone mode. The Generic File Replication scripts that are used to manage MultiSite Access Control are actually supplied in seperate packages:

8.1.1 Installation

SVN MultiSite GFR (
  • acp-gfr-scripts-svn-1.0.0-XX.noarch.rpm
  • acp-gfr-scripts-svn_1.0.0-XX_all.deb
Git Multisite installer (
  • acp-gfr-scripts-git-1.0.0-XX.noarch.rpm
  • acp-gfr-scripts-git_1.0.0-XX_all.deb

The corresponding package should be installed on each MultiSite Plus / Git MultiSite node. Each package is available as an rpm, debian package and .sh shell script.

8.1.2 Internal scripts

                 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Apr 24 11:43 acp [Folder]
        -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2187 Apr  9 10:39
        -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  135 Apr  8 11:50
        -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  223 Apr  8 11:50
           -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15547 Apr 22 16:36


9. Managing passwd and authz

The following snippets provide a basic understanding of how Authorization is controlled from within the authz file when deploying with an Authz file/ Git MultiSite.

9.1 Permissions

AuthZ rules are applied to users and teams through the following tokens:

Allow/Deny the user read access
Allow/Deny the user write access
Allow/Deny the user ref create access
Allow/Deny the user ref delete access
Allow/Deny the user rewind access (Not supported in 1.2.1 release)

9.1.1 Implied permissions

Naturally if you are assigned a Deny Read Permission, this implies that you will not have Write Access:
R- is by implication a W-
W+ is by implication a R+

9.1.2 Reference permissions

When controlling access to branches and tags you don't deal with Reads or Writes, only Create or Delete. Therefore C and D are used. Other permissions can be specified for branches or tags, but they will be ignored.

9.1.3 Authz rules hierarchies

AuthZ rules have 2 hierarchies which are considered in the evaluation of whether a user has a requested level of access. They are the Resource level hierarchy (Repo->Branch|Tag), and the Account level hierarchy (Account->Team).

Rule conflicts within these hierarchies are resolved by picking the rule which is most precisely defined (granular)

If you have a user, Tom, requesting Write access to branch "master" on repo Repo1.git, the Authz rule resolution is:

  1. Determine that the repo Repo1.git exists on the local node. If not, error out.
  2. Lookup Tom's rules for branch master on Repo1.git
  3. If rules exist for Tom which grant/deny the access he needs, apply them
  4. If rules do not exist for Tom, check each of the teams Tom is a part of.
    - Tom may be a part of multiple teams which have conflicting rule permissions. One could grant, and one could deny access. In the case where the permissions conflict at the same point on the hierarchy, we always pick the most permissive rule.
  5. If Tom's teams have no rules for the master branch either, we move up the Resource hierarchy and check the permissions assigned against Repo1.git.
  6. If Tom has permissions assigned against Repo1.git, apply them.
  7. If no relevant rules exist for Tom, check again for each of the teams he is a part of.
  8. If no permissions exist at this point, apply the default policy permissions. (gitms.authz.policy)

9.2 Create an authz file

To create an authz file to use with Git:

  1. Create a new file here:
  2. Open the new file, adding the lines:
          #Git AuthZ Version:1.0
          team1 = user1
          team2 = user2
          user1 = R+W+C+D+
          user2 = R+W+C+D+
          user2 = W+D+C+
  3. Set the ownership of the file to match your requirements, eg.
    chown wandisco:wandisco /opt/wandisco/git-multisite/replicator/properties/authz.git

9.3 Configure the authz file

The following lines need to Git MultiSite's file

Path to the authz file.
Property that tells Git MultiSite to use authz.
The policy determines whether access is allowed to users who do not have defined authz rules defined. Default: Deny

gitms.authz.policy must be set to Deny That is, unless you want to run your repository access on the basis of assumed access - where accounts that do not have authz rules defined get full Write access by default.

A number (followed by "L") representing how many milliseconds between each polling of the Authz file to determine if there are any changes. Default: 30L.
Long Value suffix
Placing the "L" (stands for Long value) ensures that it is converted correctly.

10. License management

This section gives the guidelines used by Access Control Plus's license model. They ensure that deployments run in accordance with their agreed capabilities, while ensuring minimum disruption if you accidently exceed your license limits.

10.1 License components

An Access Control Plus deployment runs with four seperately licensed elements which combine to make up the product license:

Each component is tracked. Should any one component fail to match with the license then the installation will fail it's next license check. When running in conjunction with a WANdisco MultiSite product, these will run with their own product licenses which will apply their own limits completely independent of Access Control Plus.

10.2 License monitoring

If a check fails, the thread writes out a warning to the log file and sends a notification email.

This warning triggers a grace period of 10 days. In this time you need to remedy the license failure. Either:

If the issue is not resolved, after 10 days Access Control Plus enters a read-only mode.

There's an installation of Access Control Plus running with a license for 30 users. During the day we exceed this limit after adding users from LDAP. Access Control Plus is not shutdown, but the check is done within 24 hours. A notification email will be sent that informs the administrator (the email account holder nominated in the notifications set up) of the breach. If the issue is not resolved then in 10 days Access Control Plus will no longer allow you to make any changes. Accounts, Resources, Rules will be locked (read-only) until the license issue is remedied.

10.3 License updates

The license you use to deploy Access Control Plus is set during installation, by the placement of your license.key file. Changing your license only requires that you replace the license.key file and restart Access Control Plus.

  1. Contact WANdisco's support team and request that a new license.key file is generated. When you are sent this new file you can complete the update.
  2. Copy the new license.key file to each of your Access Control Plus nodes, i.e. all of them. Because each node's IP address is encoded into the key, changes to IP allocation or the addition of new nodes require that a fresh license.key file is placed on every node.
  3. From a terminal, navigate to Access Control Plus's config directory. e.g:
  4. Back up or delete your old license.key file, then copy the new file into place.
  5. When the license.key file is replaced on all nodes, restart each node. Do this one after another so that you can test that each one restarts successfully. If there's a problem with the license.key file, a warning is written to the main log file, found here:

11. Settings

11.1 Access Control updates

The Access Control Updates panel stores the settings for the Batch Updates Mode which helps mitigate the affects on system performance from very large numbers of password file and or Authz writes. See Enable/Disable Batch updates for more information about how and why you should use the Access Control Updates.

11.1.1 Batch Updates

Use these settings to enable the Batch Update mode, which will benefit replication performance in large deployments.

Enable (Checkbox)
Tick the checkbox to enable Batch updates.
Switch Period
This is the frequency at which batched changes are applied to the authz and or password files. The default frequency is once per 600 seconds (10 minutes), so by default Access Control will never wait more than 10 minutes before applying an Access Control change.
Managing Node
This is the node that you select to manage the Batch process. Batched changes are collated and stores on just one node (this Managing Node) and then applied to all nodes on the next batch update.

11.1.2 Batch Actions

Batch Actions gives you immediate control over Batching.

Run Now
Generate New Files

11.2 Repository templates

The Repository Template options are used when connecting new SCM repositories to Access Control Plus. A repository template stores the paths for the repositories authentication and authorization files which are used by the Generic File Replication scripts to ensure that changes on each node are synced to all other nodes.

Note: You create a template for either Git or SVN.
We recommend that you do not edit the Type of the template in future because this could result in you overwriting the original. We recommend that you create one repository template for Git and another one for SVN.

11.3 Global downcasing

Access Control Plus needs to handle situations where the customer's Active Directory/Windows-based systems are maintaining user accounts that are case-insensitive, i.e. user "jsmith" and "JSmith" are considered the same user. While Access Control Plus can handle case insensitivity internally, using authz can be problematic because this is case sensitive.

Enable Global Downcasing to ensure that Subversion users have their usernames forced into lowercase which ensures consistency and protects against the possibility of authz rules being applied incorrectly.


By default Global Downcasing is disabled.


Enabling Global Downcasing triggers a warning message:

Enabling the global account name downcasing setting requires adjustment of VCS access paths to properly handle authorization. Inappropriate settings may incorrectly grant or deny user access to repositories.

WARNING: If you downcase usernames using the Apache directive AuthzForceUsernameCase they must make sure no case-sensitive users will pass authN for this location. If they mix sensitive/insensitive users, you will need to define a separate location for each of them. See more about AuthzForceUsernameCase in mod_authz_svn Configuration Directives.


11.4 Managing nodes

This section describes how the Access Control Plus nodes work when connected together.

11.4.1 Node Induction

Induction refers to connecting nodes together to form a distributed system for replicating data. Nodes that are connected together form a membership that is governed by the requirements of the distributed system. One requirement is that there must be a minimum number of nodes (a quorum) available to agree on the ordering of replicated changes.

There may be insufficient nodes to create agreement, for example, if enough nodes are lost because they are disconnected or experiencing unrecoverable failure. Quorum is then lost and replication stops. On the Node Induction screen you see the warning: "ACP operations currently impossible - Quorum is unavailable."
In this situation it may be possible to run through an Emergency Reconfiguration.

11.4.2 Emergency Reconfiguration

The Emergency Reconfiguration tool allows the administrator to remove a 'downed' node from membership, allowing the remaining nodes to continue to replicate using a new membership - the type of which will depend on the number and type of remaining nodes.

Important: Don't attempt an EMR without help
In the event that you need to perform a perminent removal of a node (an emergency reconfiguration) then you should contact WANdisco's support team for assistance. The operation poses a number of risks to the overall operation of Access Control Plus, for this reason we're recommend that customers not attempt the procedure by themselves.

11.4.3 Node repairs

The Node Repair tool allows you to get repositories back into sync.

Location Identity
The unique ID string that is used by the replication system to identify the node.
The name given during installation that is used to identify the node to humans.
A unique identifier for the replication network in which the node is operating.
This identity is used to distinguish the specific distributed state machine.

These attributes are only important in the event that you need to engage in troubleshooting of replication problems.

11.5 External applications

The external applications section is used to connect with MultiSite products (Git MultiSite and / or SVN MultiSite).

The IP adress for the application's server.
API Port
The port used by the API (and the applications User Interface).
API User
The application user account that is used by Access Control Plus to connect to the external application.
The password for the account that is used by Access Control Plus.
Managing Node
The Access Control Plus node that will handle the communication with the external applications.
Poll Period (seconds)
The frequency with which Access Control Plus connects with the external application.
Use SSL (Check box)
Tick the checkbox to use SSL encryption for the traffic between Access Control Plus and the external application.

11.6 Teams


11.7 Accounts


11.8 Repositories


11.9 Resources


11.10 Rules


11.10.1 Rules lookup


The Rules Lookup tool helps administrators plan, audit and troubleshoot user access. In a deployment with large numbers of accounts, repositories and rules, the Rules lookup tool gives you a quick way to test which rules apply to a given account.

Account name
Enter an account name to view rules that currently apply to that account.
Repository name
Enter a repository name to view rules that currently apply to that repository.
Resource refinement
Use the Resource refinement field to add a repository subdirectory as a search criteria.
Any returned rules will be displayed in the Permissions table.

11.10.2 Lookup results

The type of permission granted, Read or Read/Write
This field rapidly displays where a match occurs for

11.11 Log out


To log out of Access Control Plus, click on the admin link in the top-right corner.