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SVN MultiSite (MSP) Plus Release Notes

WANdisco SVN MultiSite Plus Release: 1.5 Build: 1964

Date: 1 July 2015


  • Fixed slow Content Delivery that could occur with a specific set of network conditions. (NV-4909)

WANdisco SVN MultiSite Plus Release: 1.5 Build: 1845

Date: 21 May 2015


  • Fixed an issue in the transform tool which is used to handled database schema changes during product updates. In extreme cases, product upgrades could exhaust the Java Heap. We've now updated the transform tool so that it requires significantly less memory. (NV-4889) (NV-4856)
  • We've made improvements to the upgrade process to reduce the time that it can take to upgrade SVN MultiSite nodes on deployments with large numbers of nodes. (NV-4723)

WANdisco SVN MultiSite Plus Release: 1.5 Build: 1659

Date: 27 March 2015


  • Email notification is now triggered correctly for Local Read Only event. (NV-4686)
  • log-police.py no longer hangs when running outside of pre-commit. (NV-4687)
  • You cannot make a manual schedule change when a node is down. (NV-4709, NV-4741)
  • You cannot remove a node when a different node is down. (NV-4711)
  • When replicator panics, all nodes are present in the replication groups on return. (NV-4718)
  • Membership is correct when moving repositories to new replication group. (NV-4737, NV-4754)
  • You cannot "add node" when a node is down. (NV-4738)
  • You can "remove node" with a down node. (NV-4740)
  • Tasks complete and do not report as pending. (NV-4745)
  • Reinstalled nodes report connection when inducted. (NV-4749)
  • Unique rule IDs added to email log outputs. (NV-4752)
  • We have disabled SVN rep-cache in FSFSWD. (NV-4758)
  • Commit performance fixes have been made. (NV-4778)
  • System startup/shutdown script priorities have been corrected. (NV-4782)
  • We've made fixes to commit performance (Content Distribution). (NV-4797)
  • Documentation corrected to describe the upgrade process to enable more parallelism. (NV-4803)
  • Documented new Content Distribution tunable, content.max.idle.time. (NV-4804)
  • Fixed upgrade from MSP without Flume to MSP with Flume. (NV-4812)
  • You can now disable schedule from Replication Groups tab. (NV-4812)

Known issues

  • Default start and kill priorities are incorrect in SUSE 11. (DE562)
  • If you try to do an EMR on a node but everything still has quorum, then no nodes are reconfigured. The system then expects an EMR report from all nodes even though there is one node down, the one you want to remove. Do not use EMR in this situation. (NV-4700)
  • MSP installer exits with error when replacing existing SVN binaries. (NV-4755)
  • Consistency Check via UI does not return results for all nodes in the RG on the repository info page. (NV-4428)
  • LDAP filters must include "{0}" (a match to account attempting login). (NV-4682)
  • Currently a misspelled "content.push.policy" fails badly. (NV-4810)
  • GitMS installer fails if the user that runs GitMS does not have root .gitconfig. The workaround is to make the home directory and run the installer again. (NV-4788)
  • When the EMR beacon task completes, some pending tasks are left on the dashboard. Contact WANdisco Support. (PLAT-728)

WANdisco SVN MultiSite Plus Release: 1.5 (Build: 1364)

Date: 13 February 2015


  • We have upgraded to Platform 1.1.8. This release includes safeguarding the process of adding a replication group while a node is down. (NV-4662)

Known issues

  • When the EMR beacon task completes, some pending tasks are left on the dashboard. Contact WANdisco Support. (PLAT-728)
  • You cannot edit replication group schedules while a node is down. (NV-4701)
  • The replicator may stop work if, on upgrade, the Flume install var is set to a directory that is inaccessible, i.e. that cannot be written to by anyone, including root. (NV-4628)

WANdisco SVN MultiSite Plus Release: 1.5 (Build: 1129)

Date: 23 January 2015


  • MSP now checks that the name and path of new repositories are not already in use, and issues appropriate messages if they are. (NV-4642)

Known issues

  • The list of email template variables has expanded. We need to document these. (NV-4435)
  • There is currently a workaround issue with statistics information to enable extremely large repositories where there are a lot of revisions. This will be described in more detail in future. (NV-4637)
  • The replicator may stop work if, on upgrade, the Flume install var is set to a directory that is inaccessible, i.e. that cannot be written to by anyone, including root. (NV-4628)

WANdisco SVN MultiSite Plus Release: 1.5 (Build: 1071)

Date: 14 January 2015


  • The SVN binary build now pulls in RHEL5 execute scripts. (NV-4621)

  • CheckRepositoryAbortProposal now does not replay after completing, and therefore replicator panics are not caused. (NV-4613)

Known issue

  • The replicator may stop work if, on upgrade, the Flume install var is set to a directory that is inaccessible, i.e. that cannot be written to by anyone, including root. (NV-4628)

WANdisco SVN MultiSite Release: 1.4.1 (Build: 0630)

Date: November 7, 2014

WANdisco's SVN MultiSite Plus allows large, widely distributed development teams to truly work as if they are in the same location with continuous availability across the enterprise.

Available Packages

- Installer
- Your product license file (one per node)

System Requirements

Before you install this software you must ensure that you currently meet the necessary system, software and hardware requirements for running WANdisco SVN MultiSite Plus:


You can find detailed instructions on how to get up and running in our online Git MultiSite User Guide:

Upgrades from an earlier version

There are a number of different procedures for upgrading existing installations:
- docs.wandisco.com/svn/ms-plus/upgrade.html

Previous Release Notes

You can view the release notes for previous releases in the release notes archive:

New Features

  • Dashboard messages can now be hidden, individually or in bulk. (NV-4527)

  • Users with 'auditor' permissions can now make REST API calls to any load balancer that is part of the deployment. (NV-4528)

  • The email notification system now has more system variables available for use in messaging:
    - Node name
    - applicable repository event, e.g. Deploy Repository Succeeded, Repository now global or local read only.
    - Names the relevant repository that corresponds with an event
    - Passes the path of the resource that a data monitor is watching
    More information about email notification. (NV-4529)

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a null pointer exception when removing a repository through SVN MultiSite. (NV-4554)

  • Fixed an issue where the Audit installer doesn't ask for or properly set the recommended umask value. (NV-4467)

  • Fixed an issue where the SSL keystore alias was being used when SSL was enabled. (NV-4135)

  • Version 1.8.10-7 WANdisco's SVN binaries are now available for RHEL 6 server. (NV-4563)

  • Fixed the name of the property in the application.properties file that controls the time to live value of dashboard messages. The property is called "dashboard.housekeeping.item.age.threshold". NV-4563

Known Issues

  • When setting a repository to Global Read-only a message will appear through the UI that warns that the operation failed. Currently this message is appearing when the operation is actually successful. (NV-4549)

  • The installer currently doesn't check if you want to monitor Apache, sshd logs or input Apache Avro parameters. We'll ensure these are included in the installation in future release. Until then you can manually configure these elements by following the procedure Manual Setup for Audit logging. (NV-4593)