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Known issues

This article describes the limitations and known issues of LiveData Migrator for Azure.

LiveData Migrator target service principal

When you select the Create New option when selecting a service principal in the Azure Portal, you aren't offered an option to assign it the necessary storage blob owner permissions. As a result, operations with the filesystem will fail due to insufficient permissions.

We recommend you follow these steps instead:

  • Manually create the service principal on your Hadoop filesystem.
  • Assign it the correct permissions.
  • Select Choose Existing in the Azure Portal.
  • Choose your service principal in the list.

Glob pattern exclusions are not reported if added after the initial scan

If you add glob pattern exclusions after the initial scan, they don't appear in the metrics, which will incorrectly report no new file exclusions.

  • All files are excluded correctly. The issue only affects reporting.
  • This issue only applies to glob pattern exclusions. File size-based exclusions are not affected.

There's no need for a workaround, as there's no impact on migrations. Files are correctly excluded.