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Common error codes and messages

This page details common errors you may receive when you deploy LiveData Migrator for Azure or use it to migrate data.


These error messages relate to application permissions.

Error messageDescription
"Unexpected error fetching permissions"There was a problem with permissions. Unregister the LiveData resource provider and register it again.
"No permission to subscription. Try registering Wandisco.Fusion provider."LiveData Migrator doesn't have the necessary permissions in your Azure subscription. Unregister the LiveData resource provider and register it again.
"The plan publisher={} does not match the expected plan publisher: {}"There was a problem with your resource provider registration. Unregister the LiveData resource provider and register it again.
"The plan product={} does not match one of the expected plan products: {}"There was a problem with your resource provider registration. Unregister the LiveData resource provider and register it again.


These errors apply to all features of LiveData Migrator for Azure.

Error messageDescription
"The property {} isn't set."The property (represented here as "{}") needs a value.
"The property {} is incorrect."An error triggered during ResourceId validation. The resource ID provided doesn't match the Azure specification.
"The resource name may only contain letters, numbers and hyphens, but must not start or end with a hyphen"The provided resource name breaks validation rules.
"The resource name must not exceed {} characters"The provided resource name is too long.
"The resource name must exceed {} characters"The provided resource name is too short.
"Cannot delete a resource that is in the non-terminal state {}."The resource is in a non‑terminal provisioning state. Requests for resources in this state should not reach LiveData Migrator for Azure as this is how the frontend keeps resources in a consistent state. Raise this for investigation by the support team.
"LiveDataPathMapping is in non-terminal state, {}"The resource is in a non‑terminal provisioning state. Requests for resources in this state should not reach LiveData Migrator for Azure as this is how the frontend keeps resources in a consistent state. Raise this for investigation by the support team.
"Container name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and the hyphen(-) character"The provided storage account container name doesn’t fit the Azure specification.
"Consecutive hyphens (-) are not permitted in container names"The provided storage account container name doesn’t fit the Azure specification.
"Container name can only be between 3 and 63 characters in length"The provided storage account container name is too long.
"Every hyphen (-) character must be immediately preceded and followed by a letter or number"The provided resource ID doesn’t fit the azure specification.


Error messageDescription
"Migrator ({}) exists. Details cannot be changed"Cannot change the details of an existing migrator. Delete and recreate, if required.
"Updating download location is not a valid action on failed Migrator {}"updateDownloadLocation was created to support the legacy installer. It's not a valid action on more recent migrators.
"Cannot generate upgrade package for Migrator in a failed state"The legacy installer can’t generate an upgrade if the migrator is in a failed or non‑terminal state.
"Cannot update Migrator in a failed state"Attempted to update a migrator that has failed.
"Unable to update Migrator when it is offline"Attempted to patch a migrator that is unreachable over the network or has stopped.
"This action is not available for your version of Migrator"Attempted action was on an older migrator that doesn't have support for the provided account.
"maxBytesPerSec can't be less than {} bytes"Attempted to set a bandwidth limit that is less than the permitted minimum value.
"Failed to validate meta filesystem. Please update with the correct configuration"Could not validate Hive deployment, discovered by HiveMigrator. There may be a need for additional Kerberos configuration.
"Failed to validate filesystem. Please update with the correct configuration"Could not validate Hadoop discovered by LiveData Migrator. There may be a need for additional Kerberos configuration.
"migrator {} is down"Error returned when a migrator is down or offline.
"migrator {} does not exist"Error returned when a migrator doesn’t exist.
"migrator {}, is not in Succeeded state."Error returned when a migrator is not in a succeeded state.
"migrator {} is in succeeded state, but has no installation files"Error returned when a migrator is in a succeeded state, but it has no associated install/deployment files. Delete and recreate the migrator.
"migrator {}, is not installed. Please download and run the installer from{}."The migrator has been successfully created but has not been installed.
"migrator {}, is installed, but cannot detect the source file system."The migrator has been installed but can’t detect the source. There may be a need for additional kerberos configuration.
"migrator {} does not exist"Error returned for an operation on a migrator that doesn’t exist.
"migrator {}, is not in Succeeded state."Error returned for an operation on a migrator in a failed or non‑terminal state.
"migrator {} is in succeeded state, but has no installation files"The migrator is in a succeeded state with no installation files. Delete and recreate.
"migrator {}, meta data handling is not installed. Please download and run the installer from {}."HiveMigrator is not installed.
"migrator {}, meta data handling is installed, but cannot detect the source"HiveMigrator is installed but cannot detect the Hive deployment. This may be caused by a Kerberos configuration error.
"Your Migrator was created prior to this feature and is not supported"Attempted get‑install‑key action on a migrator version that uses a legacy installer that is no longer supported.
"Failed to set bandwidth policy for migrator"We were unable to set the bandwidth policy on the migrator due to an API error.
"Failed to reset bandwidth policy for migrator"We were unable to reset the bandwidth policy on the migrator due to an API error.

Path mappings

Error messageDescription
"Source path %s should be absolute"A relative source path was provided. An absolute path must be used.
"Target path %s should be absolute"A relative source path was provided. An absolute path must be used.
"LiveDataPathMapping {} already existed, create/update on existing mapping is not supported"CREATE/UPDATE operations can't be run on an existing path mapping. Delete and recreate the path mapping.

Metadata target

Error messageDescription
"Migrator file target does not exist: {}"Provided file target doesn't exist.
"Migrator file target is not in Succeeded state: {}"Provided file target exists, but is in a failed state.
"fileTargetId and/or defaultFsOverride must be provided"fileTargetId must be provided. The property defaultFsOverride is required in some cases.
"sqlUser must be provided"SQL user is a required parameter.
"sqlPassword must be provided"SQL password is a required parameter.
"HDI Version must be provided"HDI Version is a required parameter.
"Invalid HDI Version. The value should be 4.0"Must use the supported version of HDI.
"Could not find a sql server instance with that ID"The provided SQL server resource does not exist.
"Could not find a sql database instance with that name"The provided database name does not exist on the SQL server.
"Cannot update existing MetadataTarget {}, delete existing and create"It's not possible to run CREATE/UPDATE operations on existing metadata target resources.
"Failed to validate if migrator is online"Could not reach the migrator when trying to create MetadataTarget.
"Unable to remove MetadataTarget as it's being referenced by the following Metadata Migrations {}."It's not possible to delete a metadata target that is currently used in a metadata migration.


Error messageDescription
"Live Migrator requires a positive value for milliseconds from epoch"DateExclusions must use the correct Datetime format.
"Live Migrator requires a non null property dateForExclusion in request"dateForExclusion is a required field of DateExclusions.
"Invalid file size for Exclusion"Invalid fileSize parameter provided for FileSizeExclusion.
"Exclusion is in non-terminal state, {}"Attempted CREATE/UPDATE for an Exclusion in a non‑terminal state.
"Exclusion {} already exists, create/update on an existing MigrationExclusion is not supported"It's not possible to run a create/update operation on an existing exclusion.
"Live Migrator requires a description property in request {}"Attempt made to create an exclusion with no description field.
"Invalid GLOB for Exclusion"Attempt to create a PatternExclusion with an invalid glob pattern.


Error messageDescription
"Cannot update existing MigratorTarget {}, delete existing and create"CREATE/UPDATE operations on an existing MigratorTargets is not supported.
"use of both storageAccessKey and OAuth credentials is ambiguous."Attempt to pass in both authentication mechanisms. Use one mechanism; either storageAccessKey or OAuth.
"storageAccessKey or essential OAuth credentials (OAuthClientId,OAuthClientSecret) must be provided."Must use a valid authentication mechanism
"OAuth is not supported by the deployed version of LiveData Migrator. Please upgrade."This error may return from old migrators versions that don't support OAuth. Use storageAccessKey or delete and recreate the migrator.
"Could not find a storage account instance with that ID"Attempt to pass an ID to a storage account that doesn’t exist.
"Failed to Authenticate with ADLS. Check access key or OAuth details."Could not authenticate with ADLS using provided credentials.
"Unable to create a target with that name {}"Attempt to create a target with a name that already exists in LiveData Migrator.

Metadata migrations

Error messageDescription
"MetadataTarget {} is not in a Succeeded state"Metadata Target user provided is in a failed state.
"Cannot update existing MetadataMigration {}, delete existing and create"CREATE/UPDATE operations on an existing Metadata Migration are not supported. Delete and recreate.

Live migrations

Error messageDescription
"Unable to delete exclusion {} because it is a FileSystem limitation."Deletion of exclusion is not possible because of a filesystem limitation.
"exclusion, {}, does not exist"Specified exclusion for the migration doesn't exist.
"exclusion, {}, is in {} state, but requires {}"Specified exclusion for the migration in an unsuccessful or non‑terminal state.
"Cannot update existing Live Migration {}. Instead, delete and recreate it."CREATE/UPDATE operations on an existing migration are not supported.
"targetId, {}, belongs to a different migrator"Specified target for migration does not exist on this LiveData Migrator for Azure deployment.
"target, {}, does not exist"Specified target for migration does not exist in LiveData Migrator for Azure.
"target, {}, is in {} state, but requires {}"Specified target for migration which is in an unsuccessful or non‑terminal state.
"Invalid Target Action Policy. Value should be one of [OVERWRITE,SKIP_IF_FILES_MATCH]"Specified a target action policy that doesn’t exist.
"The migration {} is not created yet."Attempted to PATCH a migration that has not been created yet.
"The migration is in {} state, can't update it unless it is in {} state"Attempted to PATCH a migration that is in an unsuccessful or non‑terminal state.
"Migration already exists for the specified path"Provided path for migration creation is already in an existing migration.
"Source filesystem not found. HDFS Autodiscovery may have been unsuccessful for your LiveData Migrator installation. Ensure the Hadoop command is on thePATH for the service, you can add environment variables to _/etc/wandisco/livedata-migrator/ldm.env_ if required"LiveMigrator was unable to auto‑discover Hadoop and may require an intervention to make the Hadoop environment discoverable.
"The Migration is in a non-resumable STOPPED state, and will need to be created again."Attempted to resume a migration that is non‑resumable because it was terminally stopped, completed, paused, or inofyEvents exceeded its limit.
"Resuming a stopped Migration is not supported in your version of LDM, please upgrade to 1.8+"Migration pause/resume not supported on migrators older than version 1.8.
"HTTP.503 ExcessiveRetries"This error indicates the LiveData Migrator instance is down can't be reached in the network through the Azure Service Bus.