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Version: 2.0

Configure target filesystems

Configure one or more target filesystems to start migrating data.

Add target filesystems with the UI

To add a target filesystem from your dashboard, select the following:

  1. The relevant instance from the Products panel.

  2. Add target filesystem in the Filesystem Configuration page.

  3. You can create a target from one of the following supported targets:

For information about configuring filesystem health check notifications and email alerts, see Configure email notifications with the UI.

Update target filesystem configurations

Update a target filesystem's configuration in its Filesystem Configuration page by selecting it in the Filesystems & Agents panel (or Filesystems panel if you haven't installed Hive Migrator).


To update existing filesystems, first stop all migrations associated with them. After saving updates to your configuration, you'll need to restart the Data Migrator service for your updates to take effect. In most supported Linux distributions, run the command service livedata-migrator restart.

Update the filesystem details and select Save.

The following details can be reconfigured:

Filesystem typeDetails
Google Cloud StorageThe Key File Options can be changed. You can't change the bucket name.
Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2Authentication fields can be changed, but not authentication type or container name.
HDFS targetOnly configuration files can be changed.
Amazon S3Authentication fields can be changed, but not the authentication type.
IBM Cloud Object StorageAuthentication fields and configuration files can be changed. The endpoint can't be changed.
Oracle Object StorageAuthentication fields, type, and configuration files can be changed.

Delete target filesystems

Before you delete a target filesystem, first delete any associated migrations.

Delete a target filesystem by selecting it from the Filesystems panel and then selecting Delete on the Filesystem Configuration page.

Add and manage target filesystems with the CLI

Add filesystems to provide Data Migrator with information required to read content from your source and to migrate content to your target.

A range of different filesystem types are supported as targets, including Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2, HDFS, Google Cloud Storage, and S3.

You can define multiple target filesystems to which you can migrate simultaneously. For more information about creating each target type, see below:

Next steps

Once you have your source and target filesystem configured, you're ready to migrate data. If you want to migrate data to a different path on your target filesystem, create path mappings first.

If you want to exclude specific file sizes or file names from your data migrations, define exclusions.