############################### # Installation type section ############################### #New zone mode is set when existing.zone.domain is unspecified. #An existing fusion-ui-server address for adding to an existing zone type installation. # Remove or leave unset to create in a New Zone. # Required for adding to an Existing Zone. existing.zone.domain= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The existing fusion-ui-server port for adding to an existing zone type installation. # Only has an effect if existing.zone.domain is set. # Optional, defaulting to 8083 # existing.zone.port=8083 ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #Whether or not to use https when contacting the existing fusion-ui-server. # Only has an effect if existing.zone.domain is set. # Optional, defaulting to false # existing.zone.use.https=false ############################### # License section ############################### #The path to a valid fusion license file. # Required for creating a New Zone. # Ignored for Existing Zone installations (the license is downloaded from the remote node) license.file.path= ############################### # Server section ############################### ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The fusion server umask. For example "server.umask=0022". # Optional, defaults to 0022 when commented out. # server.umask= #The Maximum Java Heap Size in GB for the fusion server. # REQUIRED. Must be 1 or greater. Recommended minimum is 16. server.java.heap.max= #The Maximum Java Heap Size in GB for the fusion ihc server. # REQUIRED. Must be 1 or greater. Recommended minimum is 16. ihc.server.java.heap.max= ############################### # Zone section ############################### #The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the fusion server being added; REQUIRED. fusion.domain= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The Optional Fully Qualified Domain Name that the UI server should be addressed as - defaults to fusion.domain if not specified #fusion.external.address= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the fusion ihc server # Optional, takes the value of fusion.domain if not specified # fusion.ihc.domain= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The Node Name for the fusion server # Optional (generated if not provided based on fusion.domain setting). # fusion.server.node.name= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The dcone port for the server. # Optional, defaulting to 6444 # fusion.server.dcone.port=6444 #The name of the zone being created # REQUIRED for new zone creation. # Ignored for existing zone type installations. fusion.server.zone.name= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #Setting the HTTP policy the Fusion server will use # Optional - default HTTP_ONLY # fusion.http.policy=HTTP_ONLY #The port the Fusion HTTP server will use # Optional - only used if fusion.http.policy=HTTP_ONLY # jetty.http.port=8082 #The port the Fusion HTTPS server will use # Optional - only used if fusion.http.policy=HTTPS_ONLY or fusion.http.policy=BOTH_HTTP_HTTPS # jetty.https.port=8084 #The SSL keystore path # REQUIRED if fusion.http.policy=HTTPS_ONLY or fusion.http.policy=BOTH_HTTP_HTTPS # If the keystore path is required, it must also refer to an existing and readable file. # ssl.keystore= #The SSL keystore password # REQUIRED if fusion.http.policy=HTTPS_ONLY or fusion.http.policy=BOTH_HTTP_HTTPS # ssl.keystore.password= #The SSL key alias (the assigned alias for the key pair) # REQUIRED if fusion.http.policy=HTTPS_ONLY or fusion.http.policy=BOTH_HTTP_HTTPS # ssl.key.alias= #The SSL key password # REQUIRED if fusion.http.policy=HTTPS_ONLY or fusion.http.policy=BOTH_HTTP_HTTPS # ssl.key.password= #The SSL truststore path # REQUIRED if fusion.http.policy=HTTPS_ONLY or fusion.http.policy=BOTH_HTTP_HTTPS # The truststore path MAY be the same as the path specified for ssl.keystore # If the truststore path is provided, it must refer to an existing and readable file. # ssl.truststore= #The SSL truststore Password # REQUIRED if fusion.http.policy=HTTPS_ONLY or fusion.http.policy=BOTH_HTTP_HTTPS # ssl.truststore.password= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The UI SSL truststore option. Used when connecting to other servers. Choose from 3 options: # JVM_TRUSTSTORE (default option, uses the JVM default trust store and password) # CUSTOM_TRUSTSTORE (supply your own trust store and password) # DISABLED (do not use a trust store) # ui.truststore.option=JVM_TRUSTSTORE # UI SSL truststore path # REQUIRED if ui.truststore.option=CUSTOM_TRUSTSTORE # ui.truststore= # UI SSL truststore password # REQUIRED if ui.truststore.option=CUSTOM_TRUSTSTORE # ui.truststore.password= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #Advanced Option: URI scheme and fs type # Valid options: hdfsWithHdfs, fusionWithHcfs, fusionWithHdfs, fusionAndHdfsWithHdfs # Optional, defaults to hdfsWithHdfs # Ignored for all S3 installations (s3.installation.mode=true) where it takes the value fusionWithHcfs # fusion.scheme.and.fs=hdfsWithHdfs ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### # Number of bytes the client will write before sending a push request to the # fusion server indication bytes are available for transfer. # Optional, defaults is set by your underlying file system. # fs.fusion.push.threshold= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### # Size of the 'chunks' in kilo bytes used in a file transfer. # Optional, default is 32768 # transfer.chunk.size= ############################### # S3 Configuration ############################### #S3 Installation Mode # REQUIRED for S3 Installations. Defaults to false s3.installation.mode=true #The S3 bucket to use # REQUIRED for S3 installations. s3.bucket.name= #AWS S3 buffer directory # Optional, defaults to an appropriate directory if commented out #fs.fusion.s3.bufferDir= #AWS path style access #Optionl, defaults to false #Set this property to true if you wish to use path style access #fs.fusion.s3.pathStyleAccess= ############################### # Following properties must be changed if they differ from defaults provided ############################### #AWS S3 Bucket Endpoint # Optional, defaults to s3.amazonaws.com if commented out #fs.fusion.s3.endpoint=s3.amazonaws.com #AWS S3 Bucket Endpoint # Optional, defaults to us-east-1 if commented out #fs.fusion.s3.region=us-east-1 #Object size (in bytes) at which to separate large objects into segments # Should be between 5242880 and 5368709120 and must be appended with an L # Optional, defaults to 5368709120 (5GB) if commented out #fs.fusion.s3.segmentSize=5368709120L #Force the S3 Client to use V2 Signer Authentication # Optional, defaults to false (which allows the V4 Auth to be used) #s3.forceV2Auth=false #Access Key ID # For authentication to your S3 storage #fs.fusion.s3.accessKey= #Secret Key # For authentication to your S3 storage #fs.fusion.s3.secretKey= #AWS Authentication # AWS authentication type for sending requests to AWS - V2 or V4 # Optional, defaults is V2 if commented out #fs.fusion.s3.authentication= ############################### # Management Endpoint section ############################### #The type of Management Endpoint. management.endpoint.type=UNMANAGED_S3 #The Fully Qualified Domain Name for the Management endpoint # Ignored for all S3 installations (s3.installation.mode=true) # Ignored for Existing Zone type installations. # management.endpoint.domain= #The port for the Management endpoint. # Ignored for all S3 installations (s3.installation.mode=true) # Ignored for Existing Zone type installations. # management.endpoint.port= #The username for the Management endpoint; should be an existing administrative user within the Cluster Manager. # Ignored for all S3 installations (s3.installation.mode=true) # management.endpoint.username= #The password for the management.endpoint.username user. # Ignored for all S3 installations (s3.installation.mode=true) # management.endpoint.password= # The username of the local user # REQUIRED for all S3 installations # local.user.username= # The password for the local.user.username user # REQUIRED for all S3 installations # local.user.password= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #A flag to indicate whether the Management endpoint requires the use of ssl. # Valid options: True, False. # Optional, defaults to False when commented out. Use "management.endpoint.uses.ssl=true" to specify use of ssl. # management.endpoint.uses.ssl= ############################### # Kerberos Settings section ############################### ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #A flag to indicate whether kerberos is enabled on the cluster # Valid options: true, false. # Optional, defaults to False when commented out. Uncomment and use "kerberos.enabled=true" to enable kerberos. # kerberos.enabled= #The file path on the server being installed on to specify the krb5.conf kerberos config file. # Required if kerberos.enabled=true. kerberos.config.path= #The file path on the server being set up to specify a keytab file used for validation. # Required if kerberos.enabled=true. kerberos.keytab.path= #The kerberos principal to use. # Required if kerberos.enabled=true. kerberos.principal= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #A flag to indicate whether Fusion UI->Fusion Server kerberos is enabled. # Valid options: true, false. # Optional, defaults to False when commented out. Use "fusion.kerberos.enabled=true" to enable Fusion UI->Fusion Server kerberos. # Ignored if kerberos.enabled=false. # fusion.kerberos.enabled= #The file path on the server being set up to specify a keytab file used for validation for Fusion UI->Fusion Server kerberos. # Required if both kerberos.enabled=true and fusion.kerberos.enabled=true. fusion.kerberos.keytab.path= #The kerberos principal to use for Fusion UI->Fusion Server kerberos. # Must be the same authentication principal as used by hadoop (ie. the value of hadoop.http.authentication.kerberos.principal) # For more information, see the documentation at: # https://hadoop.apache.org/docs//hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/HttpAuthentication.html (replacing ) # Required if both kerberos.enabled=true and fusion.kerberos.enabled=true. fusion.kerberos.principal= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #A flag to indicate whether Fusion UI Authorization for DCone actions is enabled. # Valid options: true, false. # Optional, defaulting to False when commented out. Use "kerberos.authz.enabled=true" to enable authorization. # Ignored if kerberos.enabled=false. # Ignored if fusion.kerberos.enabled=false # kerberos.authz.enabled= ############################### # Induction section ############################### ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #A flag to allow the skipping of induction when this is the first fusion server being created. # Valid options: true, false. # Optional. defaults to False when commented out. Use "induction.skip=true" to skip induction. # induction.skip= #The fully qualified domain name of an existing fusion server to use for induction. # Required if induction.skip=false induction.remote.node= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The port of the remote fusion server chosen for induction # Only has an effect if induction.skip=false # Optional, defaulting to 8082 # induction.remote.port=8082 #The following three induction options should *only* be provided where the chosen induction node is already protected by kerberos # Under these circumstances all three pieces of information are required. #The host id of the remote fusion server chosen for induction # Required when the when the chosen induction node is already protected by kerberos induction.remote.node.id= #The location id of the remote fusion server chosen for induction # Required when the chosen induction node is already protected by kerberos induction.remote.location= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The DCone port of the remote fusion server chosen for induction # Defaults to 6444 # induction.remote.dcone.port=6444 ############################### # Advanced Options section ############################### ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The fully qualified domain name of the Fusion UI Server. # This is used to change the domain name from the initial value set during install which is normally # Optional, leaving the initial setting unchanged when commented out. # fusion.ui.domain= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The port number for the Fusion UI Server. # This is used to change the domain name from the initial value set during install which is normally 8083 # Optional, leaving the existing setting unchanged when commented out. # fusion.ui.port= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #Cause the UI Server to die if it cannot load the SSL/TLS trust store (UI server uses the JDK default trust store for SSL connections) # Defaults to false # ui.truststore.die.on.fail=false ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The property that determines if the application enters a panic state if the dcone database is marked as dirty # The dcone database would be marked as dirty if the system suffers a hard crash # Valid options true, false. Defaults to false when commented out # dcone.system.db.panic.if.dirty= ######### THIS OPTION DEFAULTS WHEN COMMENTED OUT ########### #The property that determines if the application enters a panic state if the application database is marked as dirty # The application database would be marked as dirty if the system suffers a hard crash # Valid options true, false. Defaults to false when commented out # application.integration.db.panic.if.dirty=