User Guide

Welcome to the User Guide for WANdisco's WD Fusion.

1. What is WD Fusion?

WD Fusion is a software application that allows Hadoop deployments to replicate HDFS data between Hadoop clusters that are running different, even incompatible versions of Hadoop. It is even possible to replicate between different vendor distributions and versions of Hadoop.


  • Virtual File System for Hadoop, compatible with all Hadoop applications.
  • Single, virtual Namespace that integrates storage from different types of Hadoop, including CDH, HDP, EMC Isilon, Amazon S3/EMRFS and MapR.
  • Storage can be globally distributed.
  • WAN replication using WANdisco's patented active-active replication technology, delivering single-copy consistent hdfs data, replicated between far-flung data centers.
Latest Version

This guide is for WD Fusion version 2.9.3. You will find the User Guide for the latest version here:WD Fusion 2.10 User Guide.

For more information read the Glossary and WD Fusion datasheet (PDF).

2. Using this guide

This document describes how to install and administer WD Fusion as part of a multi data center Hadoop deployment.

Installation Guide
This section describes the evaluation and review process, on to the actual software installation. Use the deployment guide for getting set up. If you need to make changes on your platform, recheck the Deployment Checklist to ensure that you're not going to impact Hadoop data replication.
Admin Guide
This section describes all the common actions and procedures that are required as part of managing WD Fusion in a deployment. It covers how to work with the UI's monitoring and management tools. Use the Admin Guide if you need to know how to do something.
Reference Guide
This section describes the UI, systematically covering all screens and providing an explanation for what everything does. Use the Reference Guide if you need to check what something does on the UI, or gain a better understanding of WD Fusion's underlying architecture.

3. Get support

See our online Knowledgebase which contains updates and more information.

We use terms like node and membership, and define them in the Glossary. This contains some industry terms, as well as WANdisco product terms.

If you need more help raise a case on our support website.

4. Give feedback

If you find an error or if you think some information needs improving, raise a case on our support website or email

5. Note the following

In this document we highlight types of information using the following boxes:

Alert The alert symbol highlights important information.

Caution The STOP symbol cautions you against doing something.

Tips Tips are principles or practices that you'll benefit from knowing or using.

Knowledgebase The KB symbol shows where you can find more information in our online Knowledgebase.

6. Release Notes

View the Release Notes. These provide the latest information about the current release, including lists of new functionality, fixes and known issues.