WANdisco Git MultiSite Documentation
1. Introduction
Welcome to the Admin Guide for Git MultiSite. This is where you'll find all the information you'll need for planning a deployment, installing and managing the software.
If you can't find what you're looking for check out our online Knowledgebase which contains updates and extra documentation. Should you need further help and want to alert us to an error, please contact us by raising a case on our support website.
For a better understanding about how MultiSite and WANdisco's replication technology works read the Git MultiSite Technical Guide.
1.1 What is Git MultiSite?
Git MultiSite is the core of WANdisco's enterprise Git product line:
Git MultiSite applies WANdisco's unique, patented replication technology to enable LAN-speed collaboration between globally distributed teams using Git, allowing them to work together as if they were all in one office, even when separated by thousands of miles. Git MultiSite eliminates the pitfalls of a central master repository server model, allowing enterprises to realize the benefits of distributed version control without the administrative overhead. The result is shorter development cycles, higher quality, and lower costs.
With Git MultiSite, all replicas of the master repository servers are peers, providing global disaster recovery and business continuity, eliminating downtime for unplanned outages due to network or server failure as well as scheduled maintenance. Downtime, data loss and slow performance become a thing of the past, and merge conflicts and other issues are identified and resolved as soon as they occur, instead of days later.
- Git replication, mirroring and clustering for enterprise performance and 24-by-7 availability.
- Git MultiSite means that a central GIT server is no longer a single point of failure, or performance bottleneck and the effects of WAN latency are greatly reduced.
- By combining WANdisco's patented replication technology and intelligent load balancing software, Git can be deployed in an active-active WAN cluster that delivers optimum performance, scalability and availability, with built-in continuous hot backup.
Read more about Git MultiSite on the WANdisco website
1.2 Who should read this guide
This documentation is intended for use by system administrators who have been given the task of evaluating, deploying and managing their organization's version control systems. Git MultiSite is a distributed computer system. It's worth thinking of a Git MultiSite deployment as a single application running across a number of far-flung nodes, rather than instances of the same application. It's likely therefore that the job of managing Git MultiSite will be shared across a number of locations, especially in organizations where software development "follows the sun".
1.3 Documentation for 3rd party components
Git MultiSite may be integrated with open source software components that require user-level documentation, in these cases we endeavour to provide links to the open source vendor's own documentation.
If you find an error, or if you think that something needs improving we'd like to hear about it. Tell us about it by raising a case on our support website or emailing docs@wandisco.com.
1.4 Key
Throughout this document we'll highlight things using the following types of information box:
We use alerts to highlight something we think is important for you to know.
Tips are principles or practices that you'll benefit from knowing or using.
The stop symbol is used when we want to caution you against doing something.
The KB symbol indicates that you can find out more about the subject in our online Knowledgebase.