========================================================================== WANdisco Gerrit for Git MultiSite: Release Candidate 1 Date: November 25, 2014 ========================================================================== Gerrit MultiSite is a version of Gerrit that integrates with WANdisco's Git MultiSite Installation Package ------------------ The Git MultiSite archive contains the following files: common.sh - a set of common functions required by the included scripts install.conf - configuration file you will modify during the installation installer.sh - Gerrit MultiSite installer script README.md - this readme file release.war - WANdisco specific version of the Gerrit archive file sync_repo.sh - script used during installation to sync repositories System Requirements ------------------- Before you install this software you must ensure that you currently meet the necessary system, software and hardware requirements for running Gerrit and Git MultiSite: docs.wandisco.com/git/ms/1.4/install.html#gerrit-checklist Installation ------------ You can find detailed instructions on how to get up and running with Gerrit MultiSite: docs.wandisco.com/git/gerrit/gerrit-install.html Upgrades from an earlier version -------------------------------- Not available for this release Release Notes ------------- You can view the release notes, including any known issues: docs.wandisco.com/git/gerrit/release.html