

1. Usage Instructions

Seamlessly move transactional data at petabyte scale to Amazon S3 with no downtime and no disruption.

This guide will run you through the first steps for deploying WANdisco Fusion.

First, select the deployment type:

WANdisco Fusion - Metering
Usage Instructions for WANdisco Fusion - Metering
Version 2.11.1

Get started using WANdisco Fusion in 3 easy steps:

  1. Launch Fusion on AWS using the Cloud Formation Template.
  2. Login to the WANdisco Fusion user interface on your launched EC2 instance, port 8083, and follow the installation instructions: AWS Launch Guide - Install WANdisco Fusion in your data center
  3. Start replicating to EMR or S3 from any of the on-premise data sources listed above. For detailed instructions see the networking section of the AWS Launch Guide or the 'Connect WANdisco Fusion with your Amazon S3 object store' section.

WANdisco Fusion - BYOL
Usage Instructions for WANdisco Fusion - BYOL
Version 2.11.1

Get started using WANdisco Fusion in 3 easy steps:

  1. Launch Fusion on AWS using the Cloud Formation Template.
  2. Login to the WANdisco Fusion user interface on your launched EC2 instance, port 8083, and follow the installation instructions:
    AWS Launch Guide - Install WANdisco Fusion in your data center.
  3. Start Replicating to S3 from any of the on-premise data sources listed above.
    For detailed instructions see the networking section of the AWS Launch Guide or the 'Connect WANdisco Fusion with your Amazon S3 object store' section.