RESTful API Guide
Access Control Plus offers increased control and flexibility through the support of a RESTful (REpresentational State Transfer) API.
1. Functionality
Note the following:
- All calls use the base URI:
- The internet media type of the data supported by the web service is application/xml.
- The API is hypertext driven, using the following HTTP methods:
Type Action POST Create a resource on the server GET Retrieve a resource from the server PUT Modify the state of a resource DELETE Remove a resource - To avoid call-to-call data inconsistency, you must compute a pageSize big enough to obtain all of the data in one page. To do this make one call with an initial small pageSize and verify that all of the data was returned. Otherwise compute the required pageSize, add a buffer for growth, and make a second call to obtain all of the data.
2. Online documentation
You can review a copy of the bundled API documenation. This documentation is taken straight from a live installation. Because the documentation is automatically generated, it frequently links to local files and resources that will not be available here.
API documentation is still in development:
Note that the API documentation is incomplete and requires clarification of available endpoints. Currently the documenation includes automatically generated endpoints that are not valid for their corresponding classes.
GeneratorResources endpoints should only include:
GET /generator/serialnumber, PUT /generator/resetserialnumber, PUT /generator/generatenow
Notification Auxiliary Resources endpoints should only include:
GET /notifications/aux PUT /notifications/aux GET /notification/channel/{channelName}/gateways
Do not use calls to Myself.